Why buy flowers for honeybees and bumblebees?

I love flowers! But because I only have a 8 square feet balcony, I don't have much space to plant or seedling flowers. But I always have space for flowers who helps the honeybees and bumblebees spread their pollen!

Because I live in Norway, these following flowers and plants may not be available in your country. Norway have temperatures between 15-25 celsius in the summertime.

Nasturtium is one of my favorites.The flowers are edible, and its lovely on cakes. Overbloomed flowers are nice to use in icecbues too.

Why you should have flowers for honeybees and bumblebees!

The bees are endangered, that's why I always buy flowers they love. If all the bees die, a lot of plants will become extinct, and the access to fruits and vegetables will drastic be reduced.

90% of all flowering plants needs help with pollination.

The bees collects nectar and pollen from flowers, and are the most important reason why flowers and plants will spread around and grow.

40% of all bees have died in America IN ONE YEAR.

Without bees, there will be no pollination and that means no food like:

Apricot, plums, strawberries, citrus, oranges, beans, cotton, coffe beans and cocoa beans, mango, onion, kiwi, blueberries etc

But it's not only bees, but insects in general are endagered. We need the whole ecosystem!

In germany, 75% of all insects have dissapeard.

My Nasturtium are reaching for the sun

I want to show you my other flowers:

I had a big rosebush, but it got a bad infection and I had to cut it all down😔. The infection occured because the soil wasn't wet enough at all time, and the infection grew. Roses need a lot of care, and need a perfect place to grow.

My only rose I had left, after I had to cut down the whole bush because of infections

Every May, after the snow has melted, I always buy flowers!

These are the plants I bought i May. I always buy lavender, because the bumblebees loves them. And I always buy green plants to have inside, because its easy to take care of, and they last for so long!

Pilea peperomiodes, lavender, cactus and a white flowerplant I don't remember the name of

I also like to plant herbs,

but Im not good at it. Haha, bad combo. They need a lot of care, and maybe a little bit more wormer temperatures than Norway can provide in the summer.
When we move into a bigger house, I want to build a greenhouse for my herbs. Maybe I'm going to try to plant tomato- and a paprika?
My cat, Leo, looking out for my herbs

Here are some of my favorite plants I keep inside:

I love green plants, because they last long and they doesn't need much care. I water them from underneeth, because its better for the plants, and I don't get any fruit flies.

On the right side you can see my Ivy. I actually almost killed it, because I gave it too much water. It had maybe 3 leafs left before I figured out it didn't need more water than ca once a month!

On the left side is my Pilea permiodes, or elefant ears directly translated from Norwegian. I got this one for one year ago, and these never dies. They only need the same amount of water as my Ivy.

Pilea peperomiodes and Ivy. For those with cats, remember that Ivy is poisonous for them. Keep the Ivy at a place your cat cant reach.

I have a lot of straws,

just because they need no care and I love the vibe! I have different kind of vases I use for them, but today I have these ones on the kitchen table and in my bedroom window:

On my kitchen table

In my bedroom window

What do you think? Do you like my little garden?

Show me your plants in the comment section! 😁

P.S I'm going to write a post how to always have fresh spring onions! Stay tuned! 😀

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