My Little Garden!

I have moved to a new neighbourhood after being unfairly displaced from my former apartment and just like I have always craved for, it comes with a little space for gardening and even the opportunity to keep poultry if I so desire. It's amazing how life works out sometimes.

It was overgrown with weeds, so I quickly went to work, clearing the space. It wasn't too difficult, and before I knew it, I had cleared the area completely.

Spotting some Basil plants growing amidst the weeds, I decided to let them stay. Knowing their benefits in controlling blood sugar and enhancing the flavor of soups, I welcomed these four healthy and vibrant plants into my garden.

I utilized these two main tools in weeding the garden: a hoe and a cutlass. The cutlass served to trim down the weeds, while the hoe was effective for uprooting them from the soil.

I noticed two stands of cocoyam plants and decided to leave them be, considering they were close to harvest time.

My neighbour had planted potatoes on his own potion.

In addition, I came across a single pumpkin plant that appeared a bit wilted. I decided to lend it support by adding a stake to prevent it from drooping. Pumpkins are another nutritious addition to my garden.

I also noticed a cluster of very small succulent water leaves, known for their high nutritional value. I opted to leave them undisturbed in the garden. I just formed a little hedge around them so I don't trample on them.

I love veggies a lot so first, I am planting some very essential veggies like tomatoes and habanero peppers, I plan to add more varieties of veggies over time as well. In this bowl of water are their seeds.

I repurposed my bowls into seeding trays and carefully planted the tomato and pepper seeds in separate sections. Placing them in a position of intense Sunlight.

Five days later, see what I have got.

The tomatoes tray.

The pepper tray.

I brought this Aloe Vera with me from the former place, they are wilting but I think I now have enough time to give them some TLC....😊

So I hope to keep us updated on the happenings in my little garden.

I am @edith-4angelseu and thank you for stopping by my neighbourhood.

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