Expressing my love for garden

Warm greetings to you all. This is my first attempt in the dreemport challenge. This month's theme being #gardening in collaboration with #hivegarden #grovid22. Many thanks to @samsmith1971 for helping me discover the #dreemport community.
Gardening is a great topic to talk about, because there's a whole lot to say about Garden and growing. On this post, I'll be giving reasons why I love garden. First off, Gardening is classified as a good habit, which helps a lot in meditating. If you have ever meditated in gardens, you would agree with me that it is a great boost to your meditation experience. I have seen doctors prescribe meditation in the garden to some patients.

Gardening is a great hobby as well. The garden is a great place to spend quality time. For those who are not active gardeners like me, it's not too late to grow a habit of gardening at your leisure time instead of gambling and watching TV haha. Couple of times I'd lose track of time in the garden, totally absorbed into the whole weeding and growing process. It is an adventure trust me.
Then there is the livelihood aspect. It feels good knowing that you never have to buy certain vegetables or groceries, because you can always pick them from your garden. This is why it is great to grow lucrative plants, no matter how little. It saves some pennies and the inconvenience of having to step out to get them. Gardening can also be a cool source of income.
If you want to have a lovely exposure to nature, and just relax, the garden is the best place for you. The best spot to receive natural air and simply embrace the beauty of nature. You don't have to visit the garden only when you want to weed, or plant and stuff like that. The garden is a great place for relaxation as well. Walk into the garden, with a bottle of champagne and sit under the sun for a while surrounded by beauty and simply clear your head and forget your worries.


This wouldn't be complete if I don't talk the beauty that gardens add to our homes and to the ecosystem at large. Keeping in mind that every new plant we bring to live, adds value to the ecosystem and makes the world a better place to live in.
For those of you that may wish to participate in the #Grovid22 #dreemport challenge. Join the contest here 👉Grovid22 Challenge 3

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