Apple Tree: First Flowers Forming๐Ÿ’ [Gardening]


After years of waiting, my dwarf apple tree has started to blossom with its first set of flowers. Over the years I have grafted Sweet 16, Akane, and Northern Spy onto this tree.

In this article we can watch the progression of this tree as it awakens with life, to the point where flowers emerge.

First Leaves

The top photo is from March 19, 2022. Leaf buds were beginning to pop.


All Leaf Buds Opened

On March 30 every leaf bud has finished forming from every branch tip. At this stage it was still not evident that the tree was preparing to form flowers.


Potential Problems

The ants were going bananas for these branch tips. At first I thought they were infesting the tree with disease or aphid pests. I flicked them off from the leaf folds where the ants were hiding, and spritzed the leaves and branches with scented soapy water.

In a couple days the ants where back, crawling on the branches to return to work. Clearly I have lost in the game of wits by the ant colony.


Credit Deserved

So the ants were not causing problems after all. While sheltering tightly packed in the damp green crevices between the leaves, the ants were actually behaving in military worker fashion to locate the buried flower buds, and pushing the outer leaves apart.


Rosey red buds were peeking out at me. I couldn't believe my eyes! ๐Ÿ‘€


No signs of disease or infestations anywhere. The ants have some sort of instinct to sniff out and recognize the apple flower buds weeks before they are even visible.

Farmers who grow brassicas know well how attracted ants are to the tightly packed florets of flowers where they hide their own farm of aphid honeydew producers.

Perhaps ants have a greater importance to the pollination cycle of plants than we realize. Ants might be just as important as bees and butterflies in helping plants to reproduce.


Snow and Chainsaws


April 11 arrives along with a few unexpected visits.

Nature decided to unleash a freak freeze with a blanket of snow. Very late in the year for this kind of weather.


And then we had the tree cutters arrive.

For years my mother has been complaining about the leaves that have to be raked up, so she convinced my dad to have five of our tall trees removed. Maybe I will talk more about this in another post.

My folks wanted me to move my apple trees because of their sudden decision they made without me. I insisted it was difficult to stake the trees into the proper shape, and they should be far away enough from the tree limbs that will be felled.

Most of the damage this day from the snow pack, tools, and heavy limbs resulted in damage to my lilies.

Ballooning Blossoms ๐ŸŒธ


Untarnished, the apple tree continues to push out petals.


Shades of red are becoming pink and white.


Visible buds are forming from every grafted union.


First Flowers ๐ŸŒบ


April 22 marks the day of the first flowers opening.


Bright white and pink petals.






Will the ants return to pollinate the fully formed flowers? Perhaps the bees, butterflies, and other flying insects will provide some assistance. Time will tell.

With luck we'll have fruit this year as well. ๐ŸŽ ๐Ÿ

Post Beneficiaries:

This is my way of thanking each of you for your friendship and support. By sharing my talents on Hive, I can also share to help with your needs.

Let my success also grant you some happiness too.


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