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A little gardening on Sunday morning


This morning Milo woke me up early to be fed, and instead of going back to bed, I decided to go to the balcony and give some love to my plants.

The last few days have been very hot, and even though the first rains of the season came this week, the plants were thirsty and needed some care.

And then I thought I would take some pictures and tell you a little bit about some of the plants I have in my little green corner since I haven't posted in the Hive Garden community for a long time. And I am also joining the #edtopic of this week, proposed by @mypathtofire, which is about #gardening.

I don't have an extensive garden, I don't even have a garden, but I have a small balcony with some plants. Some of them are ornamental.

Like my Foxtail Agave, which is big and strong, and I will have to put it in a bigger pot soon.

My attempts at a small veggie garden

Despite the limited space, I have always tried to have some aromatic herbs, and for some time now, I have been trying to keep a tomato plant.

A couple of months ago, I had thought the tomato plant would die and even asked the Hive gardeners in the Leo Threads if they knew what I could do with it since the leaves were growing with transparent patches and were drying out at full speed.

But it seems that the heat of the last two weeks has been good for it. I try to water it frequently, and I see that new leaves have sprouted and even some flowers give me hope that I might be able to harvest a few tomatoes soon.

Several weeks ago, my husband planted some chard seeds that we found in a drawer, they were quite old and I thought they would not do well, but to my surprise, a chard sprouted. I thought it would be a lonely little chard leaf, but it looks like another one is on the way. Nature is always looking to surprise us.

Then there are my pots of aromatic herbs. I have rosemary and basil.

There is also my oregano plant, one of the ones that have been with me the longest. This morning, I cleaned the substrate of the pot. Lately, a lot of weeds have been growing, I think because of the seeds left by the birds that come to peck at the oregano flowers.

Grogu's favorites are doing well

Then there are the plants that were favorites of my kitty Grogu, and that at some point fell victim to his little teeth. They all managed to survive, and even the ones I thought would never come up are sprouting.

Like a little plant, I brought from my mother's house that I don't know the name. It was a small sprout, and the three leaves were almost annihilated by Grogu at the time, and today to my surprise, I saw that the plant is sprouting.

Also, the succulent zebra has new sprouts, and soon I hope to get more plants from it.

And finally, there is this one we call malanga in Venezuela, but its name is Potus. It was one of Grogu's favorites too. And it's growing strong these days.

And I'll leave it here for today. I have some other plants that I will tell you about another time.

And I say goodbye with this photo of Milo, who while I was taking care of the plants, made several attempts to climb to the balcony. Fortunately, I was fast enough to frustrate his intentions, and tired of not having achieved his goals, he sat on the furniture next to the window to rest and take some sun. 😺

If you like plants and gardens, and you want to join the #edtopic, see details at Ecency Discord Weekly Posting Topic: GARDENING

Thank you for reading!

All images and writing are my own unless otherwise stated.

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© CoquiCoin

April 30, 2023