Update from my Italian garden renovation!

Buongiorno beautiful garden enthusiasts! Here are some snaps of my glacially-slow, deeply rewarding clearing of a neighbour's big, terraced garden...


Now I've done a lot of the major bramble-cutting-back labouring, I'm immersed in details, edges and ongoing tweaking...


It's truly a divine pleasure to be so rewarded by wee bits of food here and there - wild greens reined in, asparagus popping up where it now has space to flourish, soon-to-be-picked flowers and leaves for teas.


The form of the garden is taking shape, with certain corners looking very special and beautiful already.


I adore feeling so grounded and symbiotic with the big, sprawling space.


And eating even small handfuls of freshly-cropped plants is potent #naturalmedicine!


I've put quite a few seeds into pots and old suitcases, already - using rich leaf litter from the wilder parts of abandoned woodland nearby as potting compost: yum!


Now I can sit back a little, though there's a lot to do still.... But a lot of what I'm setting up is easy to maintain: thick mulching in particular, and just making space for nature to colour in 😍 Almost all the plants I'm putting in are cuttings or taken from other plots of land - very little is bought with fiat currency.

Mmmm - so looking forward to the next phase, as primavera unfolds here in the Campania region!

Blessings on your Sunday - and keep an eye on my blog if you're interested to watch this garden grow: I'll be making a video about it soon 💝

Clare xx

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