Unexpected walking and sightseeing beautiful garden at school


Hello everyone, I hope you are doing well and always happy.

I want to share with you my unexpected sightseeing beautiful garden at school. And it's like an amusement park because of its arrangement and paint design and the overall beauty is stress-relieving. And the teachers are very resourceful and the children are very happy with their garden.

Yesterday when I picked up my daughter from school. My daughter took a while to come out because they were still watering their garden. And I asked their teacher if I could go to the garden and take some pictures and the teacher said yes.



And when I arrived at the front or entrance of their garden, there was written TUNGA ES Sugbusog sa Skuylahan.


And when I entered the first vegetable I saw who caught my attention was the Upo/bottle gourd vegetable with large fruits. And obviously healthy. And it is planted in a cutting plastic gallon and placed at the center of the wheel. And if you notice the area there are many sawdust scattered.






And each block plant has the name of the vegetable, scientific name, English name, common name in our dialect, variety and planting date.



And when I turned around I saw the cucumber with fruits and very healthy too.


And while walking I saw a line of lettuce planted in a cut plastic gallon and painted and it was fun to look at because the idea is good and above all the lettuce is fat and healthy.


And when I looked in front of the lettuce, it was the ampalaya with many fruits and the funny thing about it was that it was planted in a milk can placed in the middle of the wheel and painted in different colors and it was also beautiful to look at.


And I also saw a line of string beans and the same planted in a can placed in the center of the wheel. It's fat and healthy, but the fruit is still small.


And pechay is even more fun because it is planted in coconut husk. And look at the shape of a coconut and it's also painted.


And next to pechay are sweet potatoes that are barely alive.


And the other side is the eggplant planted in a big truck wheel. It looks healthy and has a few fruits. And the breed is good it is long kind of eggplant.



And next is okra small type and very healthy. It has already bears fruit.





And at the very front of the entrance, what is planted is pepper on the right and on the left is spring onion and at the very end is Chinese kangkong and climbing spinach. Vegetables are very healthy and beautiful to look at.

I was really impressed with their garden because it was so beautiful and clean. I am even more inspired to plant and be resourceful. In the small time walking in the garden of the school, I was happy and I got a good idea, especially with cans, gallons, and tires that are no longer usable, we can recycle them and put a design on them to make them look good. That's all about my unexpected school garden walk yesterday. I hope you like it. Till next time.

Thank you so much and have a nice day everyone. 😊😊😊

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