Planting Trees with Frozen Shoulder

I can't even describe how tired I am. I have been planting and weeding and weeding and planting and I feel like I have nothing to show for it.
Mostly, I have been putting seeds into the soil, but NOTHING has come up yet.

I ordered a bunch of seedling trees a few months ago, and they have finally arrived, so I have been busy planting those. I have managed to get 10 vilosa lilacs into the ground, but I have at least 10 more of those to go in. There are also about 20 wild rose shrubs that need to go in. For some reason I picked up 12 Black Hills spruce at the tree farm so I better do something with them. Then there are about 30 miscellaneous shrubs I need to find a home for. Yikes!

The main problem is that I need to get everything into the ground fast. There is a very narrow window of time between 'too frozen to plant anything' and 'too hot for seedlings to survive'. Like, really narrow. Sometimes as narrow as a single week.

So, imagine my frustration that I am still dealing with my stupid frozen shoulder. I mean, I have done ok, I have adapted to gardening with just one arm--haha--and I can still manage to hoe adequately.

My Dr decided that I should have a cortisone shot to help things along and I thought it would be a great idea because I imagined I would be able to do more gardening faster than the rate I was doing it.

Boy, was I wrong!

That shot completely sidelined me. My symptoms have been worse for the last 2 days and I have lacked any energy to do anything. I spent most of today laying in bed wishing I would die.

I consulted Dr Google and learned that fatigue and short term worsening of symptoms is normal after a cortisone shot and that these symptoms should resolve shortly. Thankfully, they already seem to be resolving as I have somehow mustered enough energy to write this post.

So, HOPEFULLY, I will be better tomorrow because I have a LOT of trees to plant. And beets. I need to get those beets in. Yikes!

Thanks for reading!

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