Mini May Update - Brisbane Urban Farm Start Up - Invasive Herbs and going behind the dreaded SHED


I don't normally do two videos in a month... but have decided to do another one as i plan on doing a few more in the future and documenting our journey on our Urban Farm

we are planning on:

growing lots of fruit and veges
Lots of bee friendly flowers
Native Australian plants
all the plants.. lol
Chickens (coop is in progress)
worm farm
and mealworms for the chickens

This little video is about the invastive herbs we keep in pots and are NOT going in the garden ever.. lol

also i go behind the shed for the first time. I have NEVER been down there and had no idea there was anyting behind there at all..

We also catch a grasshopper for @bobaphet who wanted to know how on earth we do it... lol

actually they are slower in the morning and sundown.. but anyway... @azthal has caught a few.

thanks for watching folks

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