Quick update on my husband's garden

It's been a while since I blogged about the update on my husband's garden aside from harvesting his vegetables and other crops.

After hubby harvested his pechay and other crops, he already had pechay and tomato seedlings. I guess it's been almost a month since he removed his tomato plants. I guess it's the right time to plant a new one. He is just waiting for his tomato seedlings to be ready to be planted. As for his pechay seedlings, I guess they will be ready to be planted by next week. We still have some pechay plants left in the pots. We use some of them whenever we want to eat pechay.

As for his bell pepper plants, they needed to be cleaned around the plants since bushes are growing so fast this rainy season. He already harvested a couple of times already of his bell peppers. We can still see more fruits of it.

His chili is growing well now and now bearing more fruits of it. I notice they are not red chilis but the color of it is purple and the other variety is quite different as it's a flattened shape and the color is green. I am not really sure of its variety as I am not familiar with the different varieties of chilis. Hubby usually uses those chilis for his sauce. For sure if our chili plants have more fruits he will use it for his spicy vinegar sauce.

His okra is growing well and he decided to prune the leaves as it's covering the plants around them like the bitter gourd and the cucumber plants. He is been harvesting his okra plants and selling most of them to earn some money from it just like the other day when we needed mineral water, he didn't ask for money from me as he just used his sales from his vegetables to buy water.

I also notice that the cucumber is already bearing its fruit. Since it is my first time to see cucumber fruit from the plant itself. I was so amazed to see how it slowly grew. I was wondering why it is not green lol.

I didn't capture the bitter gourd as it's not growing well. It's like there's no improvement in its growth as well.

We still have a few eggplants and I can see the flowers blooming. Since we only have fewer eggplants we just use its fruit for our daily consumption unlike before when we were selling most of its fruit.

Our spring onions are growing well even if it is rainy season here and spring onions are susceptible to worms and snails.

Last but not the least is our lemon plants. Some of them are growing well and some have been eaten by worms. One of them is growing straight without any branch of it. I wonder why it grows that way.

Since hubby is been busy with other stuff he still hasn't got the chance to clean up his garden. Cleaning up the surroundings of his plants will help to get rid of the insects and other pests.

That's all for today's garden blog. I am grateful for your time in reading my blog. Thank you for stopping by!

All photos used in this article are copyrighted by me ©, unless otherwise stated. Please do not copy them without my permission.
Published: 11/18/2023 04:56 pm (GMT)

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