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Ginger From Garden and New Style Of Photography

Fresh ingredients from the garden are a wonderful gift from nature and it inspires the desire to shoot in a new style.


Herbs are always attractive to grow in the garden. It's uplifting in itself. Plus the benefits for food supplies in the kitchen. What are your favorite herbs?

In the garden, I choose to grow herbs and spices that are most widely used to make herbal foods and drinks. Because it will be very useful when the body is not fit and requires certain intakes that contain these herbs and spices.

The great thing is, we can get the herbs fresh directly from the trees in the garden when they are ready to be harvested. Although indeed to be able to get plants that are ready to harvest, it requires a lot of hard work.

An Abundance of Ginger From Garden

I love making ginger tea, ginger soup, and more. Ginger helps boost immunity and is a natural treatment when I have a cold.

I also use ginger to make the porridge. One of them is for the ingredients to make Mung Bean Porridge, whose recipe I have posted on HIVE.

Slices of Ginger during the process of making Mung Bean Porridge.

That's why there is a lot of ginger around my house and also my sister's house. Our family often uses ginger to make ginger tea, with palm sugar. It's like a traditional recipe passed down in Indonesian families.

We also occasionally make coffee with ginger to add a different coffee sensation.

From these growing media, I, my family members, or even my neighbors can take as much ginger as we need. After harvesting the required amount of ginger, we planted the ginger tree again, for the ginger tree, leaving a few tubers, which were pulled out during the harvest process.

I photographed the gingers that I had harvested against the sky background. Luckily for me, the day was clear and it created a beautiful sky.

I harvested two pieces of ginger. The tubers are large and of good quality without rotting.

Good quality of ginger. It's also because it's not the rainy season. During the rainy season, the probability of root rot in ginger tubers will increase more.

These gingers are ready to make delicious ginger tea, to maintain endurance, as well as a friend to relax at night.

Exploring Ginger Photography Using a Mirror

I really like photographing the sky. I like to involve lots of skies for food/drink shots, etc.

This time I tried to capture the sky using a mirror. I managed to get different portraits of the sky, adjusted to the position of the mirror itself.

I did a photoshoot in a field behind the house. Then I brought the ginger object. The results did not disappoint.

I'm happy to explore photography with a mirror this time. I love the results! What do you think? Do you like the results?

In addition to using ginger as a shooting object, I also used a cup of ginger tea. The results from shooting a cup of ginger tea are not optimal in my opinion, because I can't display the ginger slices in the ginger tea naturally without a spoon. Still need more practice. But at least, I've tried.

That was about ginger in my family garden and my activity exploring photos in a new style, using a mirror. It was a sunny day, and full of new vibes. Thank you for always taking the time to read my blog.

I hope you guys enjoy the time while reading my blog. I will be very happy if my writing is useful, at least to make you feel entertained.

I hope you can find what you deserve to find today. Have a great day, good people, HIVE Lovers!

Thank you for reading my blog and reblog if you want my blog this time worthy of reading by others.

All Pictures Were Taken by iPhone 11.

Best Regards,
Anggrek Lestari

Who is Anggrek Lestari?

Anggrek Lestari is an Indonesian fiction writer who has published two major books. Now She is a full-time content creator. She has a goal to share life, poem, food content that makes others happy and can get inspiration.

Make sure you follow her blog as well for some interesting discussions about life other than food.
If you need a copywriter for your projects, Anggrek Lestari will be ready to help you.

Contact Person:
Discord: anggreklestari#3009