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Welcoming a newbie to the family

A little while ago LL and I had a pineapple and I let her break off the top on the edge of the kitchen counter. Yes, that's how we do it in this family because we're both small lol. I put it into water on the off-chance that it may root and placed it in the windowsill of the kitchen.

To be honest, I only checked on it every now and then but it was still green, so I let it do it's thing, occassionally just topping up it's water.

My excitement shot up sky high when I had a peak a couple weeks back and saw that it had started rooting. With time and patience (I'm not a very patient person) I let the roots get a bitty bigger and yesterday I decided it was time to get those babies into some soil.

With care I removed all of the leaves from the base that had died off. I know, I know, you're supposed to do that before putting it into water. I know that now. Perhaps that stunted it's root growth, I'm not sure, but there seem to be loads of extra little root nodules that are now exposed so I'm hoping they will now GROW LIKE MAD!

I luckily had a few pots here and decided to put it in the one that was originally home to our Apple tree. Like pass me down clothing from distant cousins lol. It's the first pineapple that has rooted for me and so I sent it off to it's new little home with some dandelion wishes.

Welcome to the family little pineapple!


Our little pea plant is no longer so little (about 60cm tall now) and has put out a huge spray of beautiful, delicate flowers. I love visiting them when they're covered in dew. Even a few peas are appearing. It doesn't seem to like the trellis that I put up for it all that much, but it's hanging in there with a LOT of tendrils and tenacity.


I did some weeding of the most obnoxious daisy called Arctotheca calendula which is very pretty when it flowers but it sends out stolons under the soil and then pops up another plant and another and another and so on and so forth. Using this vegetative reproduction, it creates these dense mats that the grass doesn't seem to like very much. I ripped it all out. Three black bin bags full of the stuff, then raked up all the tree leaves and cut the grass. The new lawnmower blade is FANTASTIC.


I couldn't believe my eyes when I found the first little strawberry flowers in LL's planter box. All shy and subdued under the shelter of the leaves. I whispered sweet nothings to them and promised I'll keep the snails away. I know LL will love to pop that first homegrown strawberry in her mouth!

Unexpectedly resilient

The thing that really made me tear up was when I found an onion that had sprouted almost a year ago (by accident) that I had secretly planted in the back garden bed. It vanished for a good while but it has now made two little onion plants. They had been uprooted (probably by one of my furbabies), so I lovingly placed them back in the soil to do their thing. They're looking a bit worse for wear but I think they'll pull through.

That's what's been potting in June here, hope your month was awesome too and full of growth 🌱.

All images are my own, collages made in InCollage app and, text added in app and in Photoshop CS6