Repotting The Tomato Seedlings In The Greenhouse

Hello, hivers and garden lovers!

Today turned out to be a good day to do some work in the greenhouse. I have all of my tomato plants out in the greenhouse now, and even the smallest plants have been growing pretty well. The 8 tomato plants that I planted in the big greenhouse pots have grown quite a bit in the past few days. I put the first 6 into the big pots a bit more than a week ago, I took this picture on May 12.


I'm writing this post on May 20, and this picture is from today. Also in the picture is 3 tomato plants that I repotted a few days ago. Those plants will be put into the garden at the end of May.


Since today was a nice day to work in the greenhouse, I decided to repot most of my tomato seedlings into bigger pots. Most of the plants are now at a size where they need more root space than the starter pots provide. I like to make things easy to do, so I set up my portable workbench so that I didn't have to bend over the wheelbarrow to fill the pots with soil. You can see the little plants that need to be repotted, and another 4 plants that were repotted a few days ago. The little plant on the low shelf is some kind of squash that came up from seeds thrown into the compost pile last fall. It's probably either a zucchini or a yellow squash, because that's what I grew last year. There are more of these plants still growing in the compost heap.


This is a progress picture of repotting the small tomato plants. There are 4 bigger pots in the seedling tray, and the 2 bigger pots in the clear tub that I had just done.


Here's the group of plants that I repotted into the bigger pots. They'll stay in this spot until I'm able to plant them out in the garden. The big pots that the tomato plants are sitting on top of are going to be for my CBD hemp plants once I get them started.


I still have a few more tomato plants in the small starter pots, but those plants are still pretty small, so they can wait a bit before I need to repot them.

That's all I have for this post, thanks for checking it out!


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