Garden Journal Update For Early June

Hello, hivers and gardeners!

This is my first garden post of the summer, and I have a lot to talk about. I've written several posts about my greenhouse, and starting the tomato plants, but I haven't written much at all about the garden.

The gardens were prepared for planting a couple of weeks ago. I rototilled the big garden so that my housemate could plant her corn. We laid out the garden pathways to make it easier to get to the middle of the garden. The boards are for walking on. In this picture from May 26, the corn had been planted.


In this picture from a couple days ago, you can see that the corn is up.


I also decided to put up my pole bean trellis at the end of the garden by the compost heap. I moved 2 short rows of corn to make it easier to access the garden side of the trellis once the corn gets big. I used the plants to fill in gaps in other rows.


I also cleaned up a little corner garden this year to use it for squash plants. I didn't grow anything in this little plot last year, I was using it to store extra dirt for the garden beds. I had to remove the extra dirt to use the plot so I put the dirt into buckets. I filled several buckets.


I wanted to transplant some squash plants that were growing in the the compost pile from seeds that I through in the pile last fall. I'm not sure if the plants are zucchini or yellow squash, but I know it's one of the 2.


This the plot with the squash in it, along with a couple of sunflower plants that I dug up from other places in the garden.They weren't happy about being moved, but I think they'll make it.


The strawberry plants are blooming now. My strawberry patch has shrunk quite a bit, I need to replant some of it.


I'm planting my outside tomatoes in a different area this year. I'm using the small garden that's along the side of the house. It's a lot smaller than the main garden area, but it's still a decent size bed, plenty of room for the tomato plants. I had to get it worked up and ready for the plants first. This picture is from the beginning of May.


This is from the 26th. The only thing planted at that time was the flowers in the white pot.


I planted most of the tomato plants in the garden on May 30. I bought more "tomato craters" from Jung Seeds to use for my plants, so now I have a dozen of them.


I planted all but 2 of the plants in the garden. I didn't think the last 2 plants were big enough yet.

I still had some space at the end of the tomato garden plot, so I planted 4 squash plants in that space. 3 of the plants are yellow squash that I started from seeds, the other bigger plant came from the compost pile. I had dug that out and put it in a pot several weeks ago. I kept it in the greenhouse, so it grew pretty fast in the warmth of the greenhouse.


One more picture for you...I started preparing my container garden pots for planting the green beans. I haven't planted them yet, but that's not a problem. Bush type green beans are a short season crop so I could plant them in the middle of June and I would still get a crop in August.
I'm adding 2 more big pots to the line this year. These are 20 gallon pots that I got from the local cannabis garden supplier. They're heavy duty and cost less than anything comparable at the local big box stores. They're black plastic when I get them, I paint them white to keep them from getting hot in the summer sun.


That's all I have for this garden journal report. Thanks for checking it out!


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