The community garden is almost ready! コミュニティガーデンほぼ完成

🌱 About the Niwa Plagwitz community garden: 🌱

The day before yesterday, we filled the containers in the community garden with potting stones and soil. Under the strong but comfortable summer sunshine, we were able to finish the entire work in the morning time. I planted the donated organic tomato, chili and paprika plants afterwards.

Yesterday I couldn't help going to the community garden again to see the plants are doing good. Some had a bit shocked from transplanting but they will be fine. I added some more strawberries which was on sale at a neighbor DIY store and herbs from my balcony. I sowed vegetables and flower seeds in between the plants.

Here is a funny photo my bicycle transporting strawberry seedlings. I think my bike was happy to carry 32 baby strawberry plants 😉

I planted the strawberry plants on each side of the large container. I wish people visiting the market hall can enjoy eating fresh fruits maybe next year.

On my way back, I found six lavender plants were sold as a pack for 7 Euros at a supermarket close to the community garden. Of course I bought it and went back to the community garden. How good the lavender smell are ...... !

Talking about good smells, the flowering sage smells very nice too.

Some plants are still quite small but people can enjoy the smell already this weekend. There will be food & cinema events in the evening time at the market hall today.

I will buy some more young plants at the city market and the community garden is finally ready!

You can see the updates of the garden also on Instagram:


🌱 Niwa Plagwitz コミュニティガーデン: 🌱


昨日は昨日植えた植物が心配だったのと、もう少しいちごやハーブ、野菜や花の種を植え足したくてまたコミュニティガーデンを見に行ってしまいました。いちごの苗を運搬する私の自転車 w





ぜひインスタフォローしてください 😊 Niwa Plagwitz community garden: 🌱

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