My two square meter garden log - 23 Jul 2023 / 2㎡の庭の記録 2023年7月23日

Good morning Hive Garden friends! Time for the weekly update on my two square meter micro balcony garden.

Last Sunday, we endured a sweltering 38 degrees Celsius, but this week brought rain in the latter half, and it seems we are in for a spell of cool, rainy days.

The picture on top of this post is of a hydrangea, a recent newcomer to my garden. Because I grew up in Japan, where there is a rainy season around June to July, I feel an inexplicable happiness when I look at the flowers on a rainy day. Though I have been gardening for a long time, this is the first time I bought and grow a hydrangea myself.

I bought this hydrangea after I visited a Kintsugi artisan's exhibition. I bought a small vase there. When I asked what kind of flowers and plants fits the vase, husband of the artist recommended hydrangeas. Then I bought the plant at a flower shop on my way home. I had the feeling that the last pot was calling me to take it home. I think gardeners can understand this feeling.

I found its roots were overgrowing in the pot. I took one branch for the vase and planted the rest in the balcony.

Fluffy hydrangea flowers match well with the vase, adding a touch of charm to my small kitchen table.

Sometimes, like with this hydrangea, I spot the last pot in a shop, or a plant that seems not feeling good, and I find myself making excuses to bring it home. The strawflower below, which I saw looking a bit wilted in an organic shop, is now blooming happily on my balcony.

It seems plants are taking rest after the hot days and not many updates from the balcony. But, I have big news! I signed a lease contract on an office that comes with a large shared balcony, so in addition to my micro balcony and community garden, I have the third garden to maintain 😆

I was too excited and bought some seeds for next year ....... That's gardening, that's gardener!

That's it. Have a great weekend and happy gardening!

🌼 🌼 🌼 🌼 🌼










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