Raw Yam, Potatoe, Fungi, Planting Practical

Yam and Potatoe is a very important food across Africa mostly we Nigerians. My Igbo tribe don't play with yam and potatoes because we believe in energy to help us do hard duties. Yam and potatoes contribute almost it's percentage for energy generation which we need to survive as Nigerians. Nigeria environment is very tough to survive and surviving under the condition energy given food is very important.

We Igbos values yam because it's part of Igbo culture food requirement. In Igbo land Nigeria, yam is used to celebrate cultural festival known as yam festival. From March, and April of every year, we Igbos will plant yam which will be used to celebrate yam festival from July, August, and September. To tell the world that Igbos values yam, we have a special days we celebrate yam as festival. Yam is also among a valuable items which will be included if a man want to settle down with a woman. It's important in Igbo land and some parts of Nigeria for yam to be used to celebrate many occasions.

In Africa and some parts of the world, potatoes is a valuable food for energy generation. It's important in Nigeria is used to add other food items like beans cooking. This is called potatoes and beans food. In many countries and Nigeria potatoes is part of a moving business when prepared as potatoes chips. Potatoes chips is a common man business in Nigeria because one with low capital can easily venture into the business.

Raw Yam and Potatoes

About two and a few weeks ago, I put in effort to see that I carried out a practical using yam and potatoes. My aim for the yam and potatoes practical was to see how many days it'll take a yam and potatoes to decay and when it decays, how many days it's germination speed will take to compare it when planted fresh.

Keeping both raw yam and potatoes to decay before planting. I witnessed that potatoes and yam doesn't have the same elastic period for decaying. For about two months and two weeks that I bought yam and potatoes for practical, yam didn't decay all over the body while potatoes decayed all the body and for potatoes to decay all parts it simple shows it'll not be used for planting again. Planting a decayed potatoes will not germinate.

Fungi in Yam and Potatoes

Fungus in yam and potatoes shows that yam, potatoes, or any other crops is spoiled. Fungi helps to spoil yam and after it secured it's spoil if planted, it'll contribute to grow new seed. During my practical, I witnessed that fungus attack yam and potatoes mostly in raining season. Raining season increases the rate of temperature to 10 -12 degrees and it'll spoil yam and potatoes. Where I put the yam and potatoes for my practical was were they were unable to receive air but what was more is high temperature. High temperature helped the yam and potatoes to decay very fast in this rainy season.

Planting yam and potatoes

To complete my yam and potatoes practical, I have to plant it. Trying to plant yam and potatoes, I witnessed that yam didn't decay all parts but potatoes decayed all. Fungus was unable to attack the head part of the yam and I used a knife to divide the yam into different parts. When I divided the yam into parts with a knife I separated the areas that fungus attacked from good areas. When I divided potatoes into parts, all it's areas was attacked by fungus and planting it will be of no use because it'll no longer germinate.

I take areas of the yam parts not affected by fungus and planted it in a small garden because I want to see how long it'll take to grow to help me compare the speed with none decayed yam. I know that planted yam will take days for it to decay before it'll start to germinate.

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