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Planting Tomatoes in a Pot - One of the Most Popular Way to Plant Tomatoes



Today, there are lots of ways of planting tomatoes aside from the traditional way of planting them. I have seen tomatoes being planted in hydroponics style and some use pots to plant their tomatoes. I would love to try hydroponics but I don't have the materials and the knowledge to start, so, I decided to try to plant tomatoes in a pot.

This is actually my second attempt to plant tomatoes in a pot, the first one was about more than two years ago (if I remember it right) when I was still living in a city. And far as I remember I the first tomatoes that I planted in a pot were not able to bear fruit.

By the way, this is actually a very late blog, which I did last December. And for those who are able to follow my blog I have already some tomatoes already bearing fruits in my vegetable garden. I want to try planting tomatoes in a pot because I want to know if it will suit me best than in a garden setting.

Preparing to plant

Just like what I did on the bell pepper that I planted in a pot. I first prepared the materials that I needed in planting tomatoes in a pot.

I got some ripe tomatoes from my kitchen. As you can see in the photo below, I got more than ten pieces of ripe tomatoes, only a few pieces of these will be planted in a pot and the rest will be planted as additional crops in my vegetable garden for harvest continuity.

Some ripe tomatoes to be planted

The black soil that I am going to use to plant tomatoes is left-over from the bell pepper that I also planted in a pot.

Black soil as germinating medium

Since I only want to plant tomatoes in two pots, all the remaining tomatoes will be planted in my vegetable garden.

Pot for planting tomatoes

For easy and quick planting of tomatoes, I already sliced some tomatoes to be planted. If you are going to try and copy what I did here, you can definitely slice the tomatoes at thin as possible without damaging the seeds.

Sliced the ripe tomatoes

Planting the tomatoes

I first added some starting soil (black soil) in a pot, about 80 percent of the pot.

Putting sone black soil in a pot

Then I gently pressed down using my back finger to firm the black soil.


Then I put three sliced tomatoes in a triangle position. You can definitely put less sliced tomatoes if you want.

Putting some sliced tomatoes

Then add some black soil on top of the sliced tomatoes.

Adding some black soil on top of the tomatoes

Then gently press down again using my back fingers.

Pressing down gently

Then gently water it so that the soil and the tomatoes will not be disturbed.

Watering the tomatoes

And it is done.

Below is a short video of me planting the second batch of tomatoes on the second pot.

Here's a short video of me planting tomatoes in a pot

I am a Computer Engineer, blogger, farmer, father, and husband. I love countryside living, nature, farming (rice/vegetables), and has two decades of experience as an I.T. professional