Garden Journal: Pruning Eggplant, Tomato, and Okra; Building more Fences for my Calamansi; Update on my Tomato Seedlings;


Just today I noticed that some of my vegetables have lots of huge leaves and some have old leaves that are turning yellow. In the case of the huge leaves, my Okras and my Eggplants are the ones who have huge leaves. The okras have fewer huge leaves compared to the eggplants which have lots of huge leaves. Tomatoes are the ones that have leaves that are turning yellow. Today, I decided to prune them all so that all of their nutrients will be focused on producing fruits and growing more branches and twigs.

Pruning eggplants

Pruning the eggplants is actually very satisfying because it seems that their stems are being suffocated by their huge leaves. I used a scissor to cut the old leaves from the bottom until I reached a satisfactory look.


You can see below the images of one of my eggplants before pruning and after pruning the leaves. It leaves much better now than before.

Before pruning After pruning

Pruning tomatoes

In the case of tomatoes, I only removed the leaves that have yellowish leaves, brownish leaves, and some old leaves until I reached a satisfactory look. As far as I remember, I tried pruning my tomatoes last year and the result was positive.


As you can see below, the tomato also looks much better now without its yellowish and brownish leaves. This is actually the first time that I am going to prune my vegetables. I was not able to Prune my first Okra this year and they were ravaged by caterpillars.

Before pruning After pruning

Pruning Okra

And here is my Okra before and after pruning them. I hope that they will not be ravaged by caterpillars this time.

Before pruning After pruning

Tomato seedlings update

Do you remember the tomatoes that I planted less than two weeks ago? Here it is now. See the comparison photos below.

October 3, 2023 October 16, 2023

Building more fences for my Calamansi

This week, I was able to buy two more rolls of Hog Wires in addition to the one that I bought a few weeks ago. All in all, I already installed three rolls of hog wires and I need three more to cover a distance of 148 meters (surrounding my Calamansi crops). I need to surround my Calamansi with fences because if I don't the goat of my relatives may come and eat the leaves of my Calamansi.


The only downside of installing the hot wire is that they are so tangled and it is quite hard to untangle adding up the fact that it is a little bit heavy. But that's what we gardeners do, sacrifices.


That is all for now guys, catch you up with the next one. Wishing you all safety, good health, and abundance.

Thank you very much to all of the Hive Ecosystem Curation Teams/Individuals, I am very grateful for the upvotes/curation/support. God bless you all!

I am a Computer Engineer, blogger, farmer, gardener, father, and husband. I love countryside living, nature, and farming (rice/vegetables), and I have two decades of experience as an I.T. professional

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