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Trees 🌳 Multitopics Contest - Week 15 | My Submission

Everyone knows that Trees are our best friend. Everyone knows that, but the number of trees didn't increase so much. Because we don't plant trees more and more. We know about the benefits of planting trees but every year lots of trees are cut down due to many reasons. And that's not going to help us. Day by day global warming and air pollution is increasing. Many forests have been destroyed due to over-urbanization. As a result, the world is facing an environmental threat. In this case, it is important to plant more trees. I took pictures of some of the trees around our area, there are many types of trees in our area. Due to this, the beauty of the area has increased, as well as the shadow of the noisy mechanical city has not fallen on our city. If every city was full of trees then the cities might look more beautiful.