Titan Quest: Tale of the Wu Part 5

Good day and welcome back to the Tale of the Wu, a Titan Quest (plus all the expansions) playthrough from the very beginning with a brand new character: Yu the Wu.

Another fine day on Hive and to play, and review some PC games! last time on Tale of the Wu Part 4 I was coming through the Chang'an outskirts or somesuch past the Great Wall of China.

Onwards with our quest to find the third Telkine who had stolen the Sickle of Kronus and was using it to wreck havoc through China... or so you thought.

On the other side of the village in the previous post you go through this massive forest where it is quite dark and gloomy, even during the daytime. If it is night time in this area, you might actually have difficulty seeing most monsters.

The TRICK here is to open a portal, travel to a faraway destination like Greece and then back to the portal. Usually, the timezone will have moved on and mostly it should change night into day! Now you can see who to hack!

Eventually you get to Chang'an City. To the north of the city is the emperor's palace, but a sorcerer has taken over the place. This corrupted sorcerer is able to enchant the terracotta warriors into action for fight for him!

... hey! That's MY move! Look, I have one of those terracotta soldiers too!?

I defeated the corrupted sorcerer and freed the spirit of the Great Emperor... not the last one we will see... Meanwhile, I took the sorcerer's gear so I could pose for a picture!

So I went into the City and put the gear on and I look like this...

Just like someone who would summon Jade Warriors to fight for him while he blasts at them with fire and other magic! However... it was not really very powerful together. It is a set together in looks but it is not a SET item.

Anyway, we run through some farmlands and then you need to go through a bamboo forest. In this area, you fight a lot of Draconians, which in Normal Difficulty level is the most dangerous thing that you will face.

There are also Mantids, for which you need some piercing resistance or just deal lots of damage fast. There will also be some tigers and the like.

I found an Epic item, the Chromatic Diadem which I started wearing from then onwards.

I was hope I would run into this rare hero monster! The infamous Tigerman Sorceror: Miao Miao! 😂😂😂😂😹😹😹😹😹

I remembered to take a picture of the Ancient Demon Bull with the weird name! Yao-gu-ai. Yu-gi-oh! lol

This is actually quite a tough boss character, able to inflict plenty fire and pierce damage. He also summons other demons. And he was guarding...

Another Emperor! The Yellow Emperor!

They do not really tell us what the relationship is between this Emperor and the beforementioned Great Emperor, but this guy is ALSO a spirit and he is also a member of the International Order of Prometheus!

He reveals to you the big secret: The Sicle is meant to free Typhon! Typhon was never sent away from the Earth and his prison is under the Wusao Mountains!

You need to stop the Telkine before he frees his master and the Titan roams free once more!


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