After confirming that GTA6 is in development, the shares of Take Two are rising significantly..

A few hours after the company, Rockstar, owned by Take-Two, confirmed that work on the game GTA6, or the next part of the series, is going smoothly, the Internet began to interact with the announcement widely, so that the company's shares made a clear jump before the closure.
Several hours ago from now and surprisingly developer Rockstar confirmed that work on the next part of the GTA series is going well and that they will share more new information with us in due course, from that moment the shares of the parent company Take-Two began to rise significantly as you can see in the picture Below (via Rockstar ).

The matter did not stop at the rise in the share value of Take Two, but also the beginning of the Internet talking extensively about the game, which has become the trend for the first time with real news related to the future of the game

This explosion in social media platforms and the Internet came only after the matter was revealed through a fleeting and quick announcement on social media platforms and the Rockstar blog. Although the name of the game was not mentioned directly, it was enough to turn all the scales around, so what if the company announced directly about the game GTA6 and shared with us even one picture of the game, what would the Internet be like.!
In any case, this moment that you are trying to imagine now, we will definitely live when the game is announced in the future, which we hope will not be far from us.
Until then, how excited and satisfied are you with the small dose that Rockstar and Take-Two have given us about the future of the GTA series and GTA6?
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Also Read: Mysterious secrets in the game GTA 5

**Also, Read **Officially: GTA 5 release date and version details revealed.

**Also Read: **GTA6 may be released before the end of March 2024

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