Happy 2 Years of dCrops! | Guide To Starting The Farming Lifestyle

Happy 2 Years of dCrops! I so love this game. It's very laid back when I first started out a year ago - planting, harvesting, selling - rinse and repeat. Now, after 2 years, it's somewhat complicated and I have to catch up with all the updates that have been released - from crafting, constructing to cooking! There's so much in the dCrops universe that you just couldn't get enough of!

Happy 2 years!

For new players, or for those planning to start playing the game, it might be overwhelming where to start. So here's my tip for you!~

Are you playing the game? If not, play dCrops now!

If you don't have a lot of budget, start with just the minimum that your budget can afford of course.

So Witty, What Should I Buy?


Get the land NFTs from the market, as much as possible, the Fertile Land, but the Average Farmland works too. The reason why I suggest the Fertile Land is the higher Bonus Crop Chance than the cheapest land NFT. If you have more budget, you can go for the Awesome Land which has 3 plots and a higher bonus. At least one Awesome Land is fine. I wouldn't really recommend buying the legendary land NFTs. Why? It's so expensive, you don't have a lot of budget. πŸ˜‚ For planting, and starting to play the game, go for the land NFTs I've mentioned.


For me, the legendary NFTs are good as plots. Sure a Hi-tec Land has a lot of plots but for planting, they have the same bonus as the Awesome Land. That's why I recommend Awesome Land. The Trinity Land? No need to buy unless you're super rich. That is also good as a plot and not really the best for planting.

Be careful! Lands and plots have different uses. Lands are best for planting, plots are best for other uses like construction.


Now this is kinda tricky. Of course, we want to finish the quest for every season to get the season rewards. But most of the quests are hard to fulfill when you're a newbie. You don't have a lot of seeds and some even require you to plant not just one of a kind but many.

So... I think the best thing to do is to acquire lots of seeds as much as possible.

If you're starting out, don't plant in the current season. There are 4 seasons in the game if you don't know. Prepare to plant for the next season. That means, buy the seed NFTs that you can afford for the next season and not this season. The prices of the seeds that you can plant in the current season is higher than usual. So get the ones that are off season - which is the next season. If there are few more days left of the current season, expect that maybe the prices of the seeds that you can plant for the next season will get expensive.

I'm not sure if this is still true now. I've stopped checking the prices of the all seed NFTs after beta was released. It was too much work to check and record them manually. Yes, I did it manually. LOL

It's okay not to buy the seed NFTs from the beta if they're too expensive. You can get them from opening the beta packs. But if a quest requires them, and you can afford it, it's okay, buy yourself that seed.

You can start collecting a few seed NFTs until you have a variety of them all.

Witty, What About The Quests?


As I've mentioned, this is kinda hard to finish when you're just starting out. So if it's really impossible to complete them, no need to bother for now.

My quest for the current season

Focus first on what you can do with your budget. Get the lands and the seeds first. When you have a decent amount of these, you can start minding the quests.

If you start bothering the quests, it's really okay. Some quests might be so difficult so make sure to have CROP tokens so you can reroll quest until you find one that's easy to accomplish. This might take a lot of your patience (and CROP too) if you're new, but if you're up for it, gooo!

The quest rewards contain mystery seeds, boosters, and resources. The resources are needed for construction and cooking, it might be a good idea to accumulate them while you can but since you're still new to the game, it would be better to sell these in the Market. With the right price, you can earn from them. Then, you can buy more NFTs from what you'll be earning.

And did you know? The more Crop Power you have, the greater the chest rewards you'll get.

Witty, Should I Buy The Packs?


Holding packs is the best and fastest way to increase your Crop Power. If you plan on completing quests, I suggest you hold lots of packs. You can buy the Alpha packs from Hive Engine market but they cost a lot maybe. The best way to accumulate packs is to get the Beta packs when they're on sale in the Shop.

So when are they on sale? When there's an event happening in dCrops (like right now, there's an Easter event), this is the best time to increase your packs.

beta packs on sale now

I would suggest buying at least 10 so your Crop Power will increase all the way to 20,000. With this CP, you'll be able to get daily rewards in Hive too.

If you have hold more packs, your CP will increase and you'll get more rewards when you open chests.

In my opinion, you should be patiently holding these packs and not ripping them open when you get them. If you really want to open them, make sure your CP is more than 20k.

Witty, What About The Event?

Easter Event



I think the easter event is such a joy. The newest NFTs have this cute and amazing style. Personally, I want to get the Lucky Cat just because it's cute but I know it's hard to get it with my current Golden Tickets. It needs 20 golden tickets and I haven't reached 10 yet. Please pray for me to reach 20 so I can get this pet. πŸ˜†

If you're still starting, I don't really recommend aiming for the Lucky Cat or the Fairy Garden because they cost a lot of golden tickets, which you won't be very lucky to find, I mean if you're a "normal" person like me you won't get many golden tickets but if you're a very lucky person, go ahead and try to collect those tickets.


What I think is the best that you can do is to aim for the packs, esp the Alpha pack. If you get an Alpha pack, it's best to not delay and open it right away. Why? Alpha packs contains land NFTs which if you're lucky enough, you could get 2 land NFTs in 1 pack.

And oh, don't forget to join the Easter Bunny's Helpers club! While it's fun, it's also like getting the feeling that you're not on your own playing this game. You'll be able to give gifts to other players which is very cool, I think. You can also get a gift yourself. Who knows, you might get a golden ticket from those gifts. And you might get lucky getting those sponsor prizes.


The event happens only for a very limited time so I suggest you join. Last April 14, the chances to get the best NFTs were increased so I opened a lot of packs, probably almost a hundred. If the chances were not increased, I would keep holding those packs. And because there's this event, the beta packs are for sale in Shop so now is really the best time to get more packs.

This ends my advice segment. Of course there are many strategies, you just need to find one that works for you. You don't need to follow my advices if you are stubborn have a strategy that works. We all have different focus on the game so what may work for me may not work for you. Either way, good luck! And happy dCropping!

If you think you're ready to play, click Play Now immediately in the dcrops website: https://www.dcrops.com/. It needs a Hive account, so if you have, you can login using that or you can signup for free in ecency or hiveonboard or message me, I can help you with creating your account.

Thanks for reading!
See you around! γ˜γ‚ƒγ‚γ€γΎγŸγ­οΌ

All photos are screenshots taken from dcrops website.

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