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COD black ops 4 for newbies: Don't play it

I am certainly not an expert in this game. As a matter of fact the reason why this post is going to be so short is because I am the opposite of that. I don't particularly care for FPS games, and especially not online multiplayer ones because they are are filled with 9-15 year olds who don't have to work and do nothing other and spec in such a game

Recently PS4 made Call of Duty Black Ops 4 free for Playstation Plus members and for all I know, that game might have been free the entire time it has exited. I don't know because i never paid it, or any other Call of Duty game, any mind.


So when i fired this game up i didn't pay much attention to the character creation because like every other game i don't give a shit unless you give me the option of looking like a stripper I am going to do for the default dude and look like everyone else.

I joined a game and was involved in i don't even know what, and was almost immediately sniped by a helicopter.... which i only know because apparently it is built into the game.


There's a map, there's ways to coop with pals, there tons of things that you apparently can do in this game to make it more interesting but for me, mostly it just consists for hiding in a bunker, briefly sticking your head up to look around and immediately getting killed by someone that has been playing the game since 2008.

When i late spoke to a friend of mine about "yo dood, what is this game all about? I just get OSK'd all the time" and he responded that yeah, if you haven't been playing COD for a decade you don't have a chance in it.

So I am speaking purely from the outside looking in but if that is the case than what the hell is going on there? I certainly hope they have a huge playerbase because if they lose them they certainly aren't doing a good job of getting new ones.

I can only run into a game zone so many times in a row and get my head blown off immediately so many times before I quit.

I'm not saying the game doesn't look great, because it does. However, if this was ever intended to be a "free" game for PS players, it certainly doesn't seem that way because it is just another one of those games that is (or maybe isn't, I don fucking know) for people that have been fans of the game for ever.

I am not a great FPS player, I'm probably not even a good one... but i don't like the idea behind jumping out of the gate and just trying to get my bearings and getting sniped by someone having a laugh in a helicopter that I don't even have half a clue how to access.

If you understand this game, then by all means explain how it works to other people but as far as it being free to play is concerned it just kind of throws you to the wolves to have your head immediately blown off.... over and over again...