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Support the Little Guy: Finding Wargaming Supplies on ETSY

I have no relationship with Mini Mag Tray. beyond being a satisfied customer and this is not sponsored content.

I love supporting the little guy as much and as often as I can. Sometimes that means buying my miniaures from the local game store, sometimes that means supporting small makers on etsy, and sometimes that means scratch building from bits.

Why do I support the small guy? Take a look:




When you spend your gaming money with smaller stores, more often than not, that money is going to other dweebs like you. These people understand what you are looking for and, if they cared enough to open a store, they are very interested in delivering.

The three images above are all examples of sellers on Etsy going above and beyond to provide exceptional service. This is what I've come to expect from the stores I follow but still, I'm pleased eveytime.

Most recently I found an absolutely perfect product in the metal movement trays with grab-tabs sold by Mini Mag Tray.


Mini Mag Tray. sells all manner of metal movement trays. The metal here is important because, if you magnetize your minis, it means you can move around entire squads with ease. My ADHD ass NEEDED this. This is one of those ituations where I imagined the product and found it on etsy being sold by a single person. Score! This is what I love about the internet.

I himmed and hawed for weeks about what to buy because spending $75 on movement trays feels pretty rough if I'm being honest. When they showed up I immediately found myself grinning though. Look at these beauties and please excuse my cluttered bedside table.


These little diddies crossed an entire ocean to get to me and they are very welcome in their new home. Unfortunately there was a small mix-up in my order and I received 40mm straight trays not the 40mm staggered trays I ordered. This might seem like an extreamly small thing but if my MegaNobs aren't staggered they are not close enough together to attack as a group so I reached out and was again blow away with fantastic support.

I want to encourage you all to be mindful of where you spend you funds and, where possible, support the people who support you! I plan on keeping the product reviews and Wargaming content coming. Please follow along if you'd like to continue with us!