Skill Suffers But New Pack Is Here!

What seems like forever (it kind of was) 10 days since my last pack and that's primarily due to my skill being so out of whack again with the last cards I picked up.

Today we get to finally open up a new pack and get three new cards. What will they be?


Honestly nothing great lol

Sadly these cards actually put me further back instead of ahead as the amount of fans created over skill means I need to do another hour skill mission just to offset it. Plus the luck means more temp drunks.

Packs currently sell on Wax that I've found for about $9 each or 30 Wax which isn't horrible compared to some of the other games. The supply lines on it are super low though so I don't feel the games broken out on Wax just yet but when it does it could be huge.

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