First Blood in the Base Station


Hi There,

In the last blog, I crossed the mall and was roaming around for more information on what happened at the base station. There are many locked gates but they require different types of tools to unlock them and access the units. I am also keeping good track of the messages printed on the walls across the base station. It is also helping me to identify the units and get along with the story.

Let's start with this episode of A: I and find the mystery of this base station and what haunts every floor of this station.

The walls are painted with many explicit words. Initially, there were no such intense words but now it feels like the victims don't like the way the recovery operation happened here.

Again the phrase "looters pay".

After running the generator, a few doors became accessible and it led to the baggage area.

A few units are still dark which is hard to traverse. This also sets the environment of the game.

I was checking in each unit and was able to see inside via windows but was not able to get inside.

I found a human but he was not alive. To enter inside, I need an ion torch which I have to build via scrap metals.

Here comes a nice pictorial caution representation. Things like this can be a part of nft.

Trust None. Games like this are built on this very concept of trusting nothing. Unexpected and unpredictable events are at every corner.

I saw the upper unit was lit up as well. I want to check it as well.

Again bunch of words show the anger of the victims.

I entered this office, filled with desks. Belongings are still there.

I checked every desk one by one for any clue and soon I found that this game is set in 2132 AD.

I found the gate for another unit and entered it.

I looked around for any vent to enter further.

I saw one gate in front of me which was accessible.

As I crossed the gate I saw someone lying on the floor. Blood was seen. The person was not moving.

I found the vent to reach the man. I entered and climbed up a little.

I found the person has a wrench in his hand and an ID which can be used to open many gates.

This tool looks perfect but I am still not aware of what type of gates can be opened with this.

I tried this new wrench on many doors one by one but nothing was helping me.

As I was exiting I found one locked door and went close to it. I picked up my Wrench and hit it to unlock the core.

With a good stroke, the lock fell and the door was now accessible for me.

I entered inside and collected a few objects. I also found a tape recorder with a message recorded on it.


  • All the content is mine unless otherwise stated.
  • Screenshots are from the game, A: I.

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