Palkemon! - Unleash the Beast - Part fourteen

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Endangered Pals shall be in 477's grasp

It was a relaxing time in the base among the Pals with the fridge being cooled so things like cake and other items will be fresh for a long time, the campfire he could cook up some Pal meat for the road so they won't starve and to enjoy the scenery.

Commotion was heard off in the distance and he jumped up and got into the action, a raid of Lovander to disrupt the peaceful relaxation session.

The Fenglope was ridden and some attacks were successful to weaken them but they all went around and attacked the base Pals right away, another chaotic looking fight ensued until they were all defeated.

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Now all this excitement has got 477 more tense once more and ready to get out there, it was directly back to the desert to be amongst the higher powered Pals and checking out some of the unexplored sections where possible.

Another Suzaku was looking nice right now. He took a shot with the crossbow to immediately be set on fire with the flames it was quick to breath out, shouldn't have been so close to it but nothing running back a bit while bringing Suzaku of his own out cannot fix.

The battle raged on which was epic to see but focus on shooting arrows was still required, weakening it enough to attempt a capture.. only for the attempts to fail and another hit from his Suzaku would finish the wild one off.

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With a bit of further exploring completed in the desert and heading out over sea to see if there might be something worthwhile, some minutes later he arrived at the No. 3 Wildlife Sanctuary and it's amazing looking design.

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Upon this island looks to be the more endangered Pals that are only able to be found here, so the perfect spot to farm some awesome catches that could be helpful.

Incineram Noct was the first to be taken on and once landed the PIDF were not happy.. the wanted level and fine cost would start to accrue but this did not stop 477 from catching what he wanted. He kept weakening it down and then laid on the spheres until he got this first catch.

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The turn into seeing the gloriously epic looking beast called Astegon as he had just caught the Incineram Noct and didn't get to really rest, it was worth it.

He was not going to miss the chance to get Astegon but whether or not this was going to be possible is another story because this thing looks mean!

A fight ensued which quickly showed it's power, through its dark beam of death as one ability that can be used, it was a back and forth with 477's Suzaku and the arrows until it was weak enough to potentially catch it, Suzaku was brought back into its sphere and the attempts were underway.

Seven attempts in and it was still not staying inside, none the less he kept throwing spheres as soon as it escaped and he tried again. This continued for some time to reduce the highest quality hyper spheres he had, from 32 to only 5 as he manages to finally catch it and leaves the island.

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With the beastly god Pal Astegon now in his possession and after a long trip back across the water to reach the fast travel point, 477 was back at base to check out and retrieve Astegon for his party.

The abilities have high amounts of damage output especially that dark laser he got to witness. Attack and Defence stats were really high which is why it is so awesome and strong, that is what he cared about, that and getting to see it out with him.

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No rest yet, one more explore before crafting items to stockpile spheres and arrows and food again. The desert had a fight going on between Digtoise and Syndicate gunners, Quivern's attacks hit both sides to weaken them before finishing each of them.

Further out nearer to a desert cliff and just about at night time, 477 came across roaming boss pair Paladius and Necromus at level 50.. he took one look at them and thought this was going to be a lost cause at his and his pal teams current level so he headed back to base and worked on crafting.

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This was Palkemon! - Unleash the Beast - Part fourteen

Stay tuned for more adventures and to watch how 477 deals with becoming the beast of a Pal master over time!

You can find Palkemon! - Unleash the Beast - Part thirteen here

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