StarCraft 2: Liberation Day and The Outlaws Chapters

Well Hello There Fellow Gamers And Hivers!

Normally I share the usual Albion and For Honor gameplay episodes, but today I will be doing something different for a change.

I was supposed to make a For Honor episode on Friday however I had a long week and decided to skip on that one, besides that I wanted to spend some time with the Betty.

Needless to say I am craving a good old "somewhat" classic game and well StarCraft 2 presented it self in the perfect timing and I had a blast playing this on a Sunday morning. I properly enjoyed playing a strategy game for a change! And now that I want to make a series about this and share it on #HiveGaming I am somewhat "forced" to finish the game. I say this because I have always fallen into other titles before I could really finish the game, well I've never even finished the first campaign which is the current one I am busy with

Gameplay Video At The End Of Post

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The game sets of on Mar Sara where James Raynor is sitting in an other worldly pub drinking what seems to be whiskey. As he hears the Dominion leader on the news channel he gets angry and frustrated at what he says. This is no doubt because of unresolved matters.

Now I have not played the first Star Craft so I can't really say what happened. What I do know is that James Raynor my character is a full out rebel, although for the right reasons. The Dominion is some what hinting towards being manipulative and controlling organization.

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This is Sarah Kerrigan or well at least she use to be. James Raynor still longs for her in his heart even though it is clear she will most likely never return. She is still alive if you could say that, however she is turned into a Zerg Queen now known as the Queen Of Blades. who leads a large portion of the Zerg infestation.

The Zerg corrupts and destroys everything they touch, that is exactly what happened to Sarah Kerrigan

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Liberation Day

Lets waste no more time!

Upon landing on the planet Mar Sara (I could be mistaken but I am pretty sure it is) the orders were clear, destroy the headquarters of the Dominion.


  • Destroy The Logistics Headquarters
  • Raynor Must Survive

Bonus Objectives

  • Destroy Dominion Holoboards

This should be a simple and easy task to complete with low level effort!

My main concern is the safety of the inhabitants on the planet who might get caught in the crossfire. I hear Mengsk is of an unforgiving nature and might purposefully kill some of the civilians.

Therefore this mission had to be carried out swiftly and effectively.

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I spoke too soon! My fears came true after all. We lost a civilian, if only he held on for just a few more seconds he would have been home free!

However this incited further rebellion amongst the civilians of Backwater Station and there fore they helped in the destruction of the Dominion forces on Mar Sara.


After the destruction of the Logistics headquarters we withdrew our troops and replenished our supplies for the next mission.

This was a very short mission so I decided to add the second chapter of the campaign in this post as well! The more content the better heyy!

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The Outlaws

The Second Chapter

It was after the initial raid on Mar Sara that I ran into Tychus Findlay who was a Terran Marine with a wild attitude, him and Jimmy are old but not forgotten friends!

Indeed a valuable ally and asset to James Raynor.

At first Raynor thought it was the Dominion troops or general of some sort that entered the pub. As he reached for his gun Tychus finally opened his helmet and Raynor knew exactly who it was!

They struck a deal and gave a toast to this deal! I have to admit I kind of like Tychus he looks like a bad ass soldier that can wreck anything in his way! I just hope he doesn't have other plans for Raynor however I highly doubt it.

This mission went a little different, we had some preparations to do before we could jump into action.

We silently landed back onto Mar Sara but this time we were planning on setting up a base of operations on the planet! We had to act fast before we were noticed!

The mission was clear we had to destroy the Dominion base of operations and seize the Xel'Naga Artifact and take it off planet.


  • Destroy Dominion Base

Bonus Objective

  • Rescue The Rebels

Getting straight to business

Without hesitation I started gathering the required resources to battle the Dominion on the planet, we needed to overwhelm them while their numbers were under strength. If they were reinforced things might go side ways real badly.

Making the right choices from the start

I was given a choice to rescue the rebels or not, of course my old friend Tychus felt that it was not our problem. He might have been right it wasn't. But since we are planning a full out war against the Dominion we would need every able man we could find! This was no doubt going to be a long and brutal war!

Gunning for the artifact

Once I rescued the rebels I had no choice but to act immediately and attack the mining base of the Dominion they knew I was on planet and would have called for reinforcements.

Without much delay I mustered and regrouped my small rag tag band of mischiefs and went for a full out attack on the base!

I was surprised at how lightly defended the base was, I can not think that they would have been so unprepared for any attacks at all. Not even a bunker guarding the entrances!

After claiming the artifact my job here was done! I had discussing to do with Tychus as what to do next with the artifact.

Keep it, or sell it to the highest bidder

To everyone who made it this far into my post Thank you for the read and the support.

If you found this entertaining or educational please consider a re-blog and up-vote.

Most of all please leave a input in the comments below, whether is good or bad critic I would like to know, whether its your opinion or your way of doing things in a different manner I would like.

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