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Little Nightmare 2- Gameplay 3 by superlarry. (Es-En)

Hive Gaming Community

Español: Hola hermosa comunidad Hive Gaming hoy les vengo con un tercer gameplay de este maravilloso juego q a mi en lo personal me a encantado muchisimo.

En este gameplay fuimos tan afortunados q no fuimos perseguido por alguna bestia horripilante q nos quiere hacer daño como en el gameplay anterior q nos perseguia un señor con capucha y una escopeta, esta vez todo consistia en hacer puzzles y acertijos para avanzar en la trama.

Tambien tuve q estar al tanto de las trampas q pusieron en los tablones de el piso y los cubos pesados q caian colgando del techo para hacernos daños, pero ninguna de esas trampas hicieron q mi camino sea tan tedioso.

Aún seguimos en compañia de la niña q nos ayuda en lo largo del gameplay, ya sea con un puzzle q con un acertijo.

El gameplay fue grabado en mi PS4 Slime y las fotos fueron tomadas de capturas de pantallas mediante el mismo gameplay.

English: Hello beautiful Hive Gaming community, today I come with a third gameplay of this wonderful game that I personally love very much.

In this gameplay we were so lucky that we were not chased by some creepy beast that wants to harm us as in the previous gameplay where we were chased by a man with a hood and a shotgun, this time everything consisted of puzzles and riddles to advance in the plot.

I also had to be aware of the traps set in the floorboards and the heavy buckets hanging from the ceiling to harm us, but none of these traps made my journey so tedious.

We are still in the company of the little girl who helps us throughout the gameplay, either with a puzzle or a riddle.

The gameplay was recorded on my PS4 Slime and the photos were taken from screenshots using the same gameplay.

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