A masterpiece that still stands today: Star Wars Battlefront 2

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Thank you all very much for the suggestions you left me in my last post, it was very helpful to improve this content, because today there is also a review and it is of another game that I have been playing for a long time, I noticed that there are not many reviews of this masterpiece and I thought I would make a little nostalgic visit to Star Wars: Battlefront 2.

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Battlefront 2 was the next logical step for Pandemic studio, and after the success of the first installment many fans were completely overturned when this second installment was released with many more facets and new integrations that looked directly to the prequel trilogy and even better integrated them in all its splendor, with troops, scenarios, heroes and even a whole story that connected the two time periods with a very clever premise: the clones, which seems to me a genius in every way.

The addition of new scenarios and characters is where this second installment shines the most. The game includes more than 15 different planets to fight on, each with its own set of vehicles and unique characters as well as new galactic battles that we can do in the orbit of each of these planets. Also included are some iconic characters from the saga, such as Darth Vader and Boba Fett, as well as new characters such as General Grievous and Mace Windu which is surprising by today's standards where a single update can take years or simply not come out at all.

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The story was also highlighted everywhere, the story of the 501st legion which was the best clone battalion fighting all over the galaxy and in some of the major scenarios we see in the movies, the gameplay is also improved now integrating a larger amount of vehicles and the already requested space battles that become a main course in many of the games we play.

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In addition to this, there are also new game modes, such as the Galactic Conquest where we will have to dominate the entire galaxy as part of one of the iconic troops we see in the movies, for me this is the most entertaining mode along with the campaign mode that tells a story of the clones of the 501st legion in their battles throughout the galaxy, in both we will have objectives and although the campaign follows a straight line I think it has become a sensation for the complex history that makes known.

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I will tell you a little more of the galactic conquest mode because it seems to me a Hit that until today is maintained, we can choose between heroes or villains of the two periods of the trilogies and begin to conquer each planet, the gameplay is something like this, there are planets that we control us and others that our enemy controls, Every time we arrive with a ship to these planets we can invade them and fight to control them, the AI will do the same thing and we have to control all the systems in the galaxy, a galactic conquest, you can even build entire fleets of ships and every time there is a fight we can use bonuses for different benefits in the battle.

In terms of sales, Star Wars Battlefront 2 was a massive success. The game sold over 6 million copies worldwide, making it one of LucasArts' best selling titles. In addition, the game received very positive reviews from critics and fans, which contributed to its huge success that continues to this day with so much strength that fans around the world were asking for the third part of this game for more than a decade, think about that, I spent the purchase of the saga by Disney, a couple of layoffs and cancellations to then give the game to EA and some extra millions to make it a Battlefield.

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Over the years I have appreciated a little more the work of Pandemic, a studio that is closed for a few years and his team scattered throughout other developers but I think it has a huge merit for creating a game that still holds up to this day, I have seen that there are even online servers open to the public and also the Mod community did not wait to add several new additions to the game, today much more attention is directed to the Battlefront saga of EA but I wanted to make this post to remember one of the best games I ever played.

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All yours, @slashint - Gamer, Video Game Analyst


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