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Review of War Sniper Game

Hello guys. Hope you all are well. As you know by reading the title that I am here with a review of War sniper game. I joined this game a week before and after playing it for a week I have come up with a review. I really like the game play system and its tools.

This game was recommended to me by one of my friend and my first question to him was whether this game can be played on android mobile and he nodded yes. When I downloaded this game, I found that this game has been downloaded by five million people. Now my interest in playing this game increased a little and when I opened this game, I saw many of its tools and tried to use them.

In this game you are given different missions and you have to complete these missions. I increased some ranks and then I saw my profile and found that my rank was five and also got some other information like how many minutes I was online or how much is my game progress. Also how many times I upgraded my weapons and how many bosses killed I did total. Now I wanted to increase my rank. Also I saw that I could change my avatar too.

As you can see here I have been given the mission "KILL THE MOST WANTED". I love the naturality of this game like the trees and the clear sky. When you are killing an enemy, you will also see an option on the left side to zoom. When you zoom, you can easily target at the enemy. When your last target is just right, the bullet is shown in slow motion, which looks very satisfied and nice.

This game also has some other missions like traveling on a ship in the sea and killing enemies. I haven't sailed on the boat yet because I haven't found a mission yet. I am very excited to do a sea mission. Apart from this you can find different types of jeeps and different types of weapons here. You can buy some new types of bullets by paying money here. You will also see options to buy gold, time and money here. Apart from this, you are also given many offers.

You will see some options at the top of the home page. One of them is Option Energy. When you play the game, an energy is reduced and if you complete your mission before the full energy is used up, your energy is recharged and you can complete your next missions with this energy. Sometimes when we target the right spot but the enemy doesn't die, you need to upgrade your guns or tank parts like bullets, tank belt or tires. You have to pay some money to upgrade them which is rewarded on mission completion.

When I got rank six, I got motivation and I was happy. I really enjoyed playing this game. I will try to increase my rank further. I play it in my free time. Here some missions are also given in which tanks have to be destroyed and to destroy them quickly we attack their critical parts which are shown in red color. We use bombs instead of bullets to attack them and when we attack, the scene is shown in quite slow motion which looks quite realistic and satisfied.

Here is the Video:

Don't forget to give me feedback how you like this game. My comment section is always open for you guys and I always reply. Thank you for Glancing on my blog and remember me always with best wishes✨

See you next time 🌸