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A DCity Update

Screenshot 2021-10-16 2.40.13 PM.png

And so the battle goes...week in and week out. The basic strategy is to a) whether the taxation and b) reinvest. Reinvestment is of course dependent upon taxation, too. It's a nasty circle...back and forth and what to do. I of course continue to use my new KPI chart to drive my #dcity simulation. As SIM capital has been limited yet again due to crises and taxes, I continue to invest in more population-producing NFTs.

How long will taxes stay this high? I don't blame new capital for not investing in the game; my gross SIM value is high, but it's basically nothing by the time it is netted against taxes. You can see the ebb and flow with my daily earning chart:

Yeah, believe it or not, almost a year ago I was making about $4-5 USD daily; those days are long gone. At least my SIM value of the simulation is holding steady:

My sim valuation continues to be over 1,000,000 SIM, so I'm happy about that. So what good came to the new simulation this past week? My benefits of holding include:

  • +4 Worker cards
  • +1 Artist card
  • +1 Test on Human tech card

The passive benefits continue to pile up, so I'm happy with that at the very least.

Now on to my KPI is what it looked like prior to today's reinvestment:

Wanting to continue to focus on my Population ranking, I opted to buy 5 apartment cards today to improve my Population ranking. Here is the chart after said purchase:

If all things stay equal next week, I will likely reinvest into some Popularity generating NFTs next weekend. That's the current plan, anyway...who knows what will actually happen, however, between now and then.

That's it for this week; as always, I keep on HODLing and hope for the best. Thanks for checking this write up out again...until next weekend.