Splinterlands Social Media Challenge - Magic Cards Have The Sauce


Hi guys,

Welcome to my blog. This is an entry to the splinterlands social media weekly challenge. For this week I’ll be writing about a battle.

Now that the season has come to an end and a new season is upon us how far do you think you’ll go as far as the leagues are concerned? Last season I was able to stay in bronze II for most of the season; I did get into bronze I a couple of times but I couldn’t stay there before the season ended.

Well, this season I hope to get into Bronze I and either stay there till the season ends or move into a higher league. Enough of the season talks, let’s get into the battle.

For this battle, I used my account @rubilu.

Battle Rulesets

Super sneak: All melee attack monsters have the sneak ability.

The sneak ability is unique as it grants your monster the chance to attack the last monster on your enemy's team. I usually like this because for some people their last cards are usually very strong and since the cards are granted such an ability, you’re able to weaken his lineup even before he comes into the first position.

So this ability was unique to the melee cards and as usual I made sure to put in a strong melee card with a lot of health.

My line up


My opponent’s lineup



My favourite summoner, the obsidian summoner was called into action. I didn’t consider the Ruleset before going in for the magic obsidian summoner. If I had considered it am sure I would have opted for the mylor summoner. Then opting for the mylor would have been something of a grave mistake: why? This is because my opponent brought the Eternan Brune summoner which hits my cards with a -2 shield which my cards usually get with the Mylor summoner.

This was a 28 mana game and I picked just 4 cards for this game.

1st position

Kron the undying. Kron has quickly become one of my favourite monsters to use. When I pick the Mylor summoner I used Kron and when I pick the Obsidian summoner I use Kron. The only downside to it is that when you don’t position Kron well enough it gets easily killed or when your opponent's lineup has cards with a lot of speed they might even kill Kron before Kron gets the chance to heal.


I like Kron because Kron can heal itself and also with the obsidian summoner it gets a magic of +1. This makes it interesting hehe.

The other reason why I picked Kron as my first position card was because I thought my opponent was gonna bring Quora but I was in luck as he had it but then he decided not to bring it.

Kron the Undying is a magic card with 10 mana. It has a health of 10 and a speed of 2. With a magic attack of 3, it’s a really dangerous card.

Round 1

With the eternan Brune summoner, he reduced the shield of my mycelic infantry card which had a shield of 3. It reduced it to 1 shield. My kron was boosted to a magic attack of 4 and so was my goblin psychic to a magic attack of 3.

I had a pretty lineup with lame speed. I think with the obsidian cards you usually have to compromise on the speed of the cards and it can be damaging. So my opponent attacked first but I was in luck since his first card(xenith monk) had just one melee attack. It took a health of 1 and my kron quickly healed back and attacked. The next attack by the opponent was on my fungus fiend which I put in my lineup as a distraction. I usually put it there to waste my opponent’s attacks. It’s a 0 mana card so it doesn’t hurt to have it in the lineup.

His uraeus card attacked it next and was able to vanquish it since it was left with just 2 health.


Now that my last position card was dead, my mycelic infantry card became my last card and it took the next hit from my opponent's gorth card. I was in luck as I still had some of my shield remaining, if not for the shield his gorth card would have reduced my health by an instant 5 since it has a 5 melee attack. After all his card attacks my goblin psychic came in and finished his first position card with a magic attack.

The sneak attacks continued on my mycelic infantry and I must say it did pretty well since it also had reduced damage from melee and ranged attacks.

In this round, he killed my fungus fiend and I also killed Xenith monk.

Round 2

Going into round 2, I was optimistic. This is because I was able to receive his attacks and the damage wasn’t much so I knew it would be an easy victory. Kron made the first attack of this round and vanquished his scorch fiend easily, it had a health of one. Uraeus came in to replace the first position card and quickly made his attack on Kron and made little damage. His gorth attacked next and well this time made a huge impact on my mycelic infantry card.

Win just one attack I was able to vanquish his uraeus card. It had a health of 2 and even with its shield my magic card(goblin psychic)didn’t care and vanquished it.


I attacked his gorth card next but the damage was minimal. His disintegrator card came in and attacked Kron but as usual, kron healed and attacked back Alamo killing it.

His gorth card was trying really had to kill my mycelic infantry card and almost achieved it but he wasn’t in luck as my goblin psychic killed his disintegrator card and his gorth card was forced into the first position.

Round 3


If his gorth card had managed to kill my mycelic infantry fast enough he would have had the blood lust. My mycelic made the last attack of this round and damaged his gorth pretty badly.

In this round, I killed his disintegrator card and he didn’t kill any of mine.

Round 4


With just one card left for my opponent, Kron attacked first and made huge damage to his health leaving it with just 2 health but it was not giving up as it attacked Kron back. Kron didn’t have to retaliate as the goblin psychic came in and did the rest vanquishing it.


I wouldn’t say this was one of my best battles but I enjoyed this one. Looking at the cards he brought it could have gone the other way if I sent in a different card as my first position card.

This is my battle link

All images are from splinterlands.com and splintertools.io

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