Battle Mage Secrets Challenge - LOST MAGIC

Welcome to my post. This time, we will discuss the latest challenge from Battle Mage Secrets in Splinterlands with the "LOST MAGIC" rule set. Splinterlands hosts this challenge every week, and you can participate as well. To win the battle, we must fully understand the rules in place, so pay attention to the chosen battle rules each week.

Tips for Lost Magic

The "LOST MAGIC" rule prohibits the use of units with magic attacks. To navigate this rule, here are some tips you can apply:

  1. Use Thorns and Demoralize to counter melee attacks.
  2. Use Headwinds and Return Fire to counter ranged attacks.
  3. Ensure that the units you choose do not have magic attacks as one of their two attack types, as they cannot be used in this battle.

Battle and Rules

In this battle, three combat rules apply:

  1. LOST MAGIC: Units with magic attacks cannot be used.
  2. REVERSE SPEED: Units with lower speed attack first.
  3. ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED?: This rule may add a unique challenge to the battle by allowing Gladius monsters to be played.

With a mana cap of only 29 points, the usable elements are water, fire, and earth.

My Strategy

I chose to use the level 6 summoner ETERNAN BRUNE, which allows me to include two Gladius monsters. However, with the limited mana cap, I had to be wise in selecting my team formation.

My choices were:

  • ORELLA ABADON level 2

With only three monsters on my team, I had to think hard about how the enemy formation would impact this battle. Naturally, a smaller number of units must work harder to attack all opponents.

Opponent Formation

The enemy team used the level 6 summoner PEMBROOK NYMPH, also allowing two Gladius monsters. The enemy formation was:

  • NOA THE JUST level 3
  • ISGALD VORST level 3
  • DEEPLURKER level 6
  • PELACOR BANDIT level 8
  • CHAOS AGENT level 4

With a full lineup, this posed a significant threat to my team of only three monsters.

The Battle

Round One

My team benefitted from the reverse speed rule. GRUM FLAMEBLADE, with a speed of 1, attacked CRUEL SETHROPOD first, followed by CHIMNEY WALLSTOP, which managed to take down an enemy monster. However, ORELLA ABADON was taken out from the backline by enemy attacks aimed at CHIMNEY WALLSTOP.

Round Two

GRUM FLAMEBLADE destroyed NOA THE JUST's shield, followed by a 7-point attack from CHIMNEY WALLSTOP. However, DEEPLURKER's poison attack injured CHIMNEY WALLSTOP.

Round Three

With the bloodlust effect active on CHIMNEY WALLSTOP, its attack came third after the enemy's. Luck was still on my side; GRUM FLAMEBLADE cleared the path to ISGALD VORST, which was then finished off by CHIMNEY WALLSTOP.

Round Four

With critical health, CHIMNEY WALLSTOP managed to eliminate the remaining enemy monsters. By the eighth round, it was a one-on-one battle, and GRUM FLAMEBLADE successfully defeated all enemies in this fight.

To see how the fight progresses, please visit the following link below.



Battling with the "LOST MAGIC" rule requires a different strategy. By leveraging low speed and strong attacks from non-magic monsters, my team won the battle. Facing a fully formed enemy team was challenging, but with the right monster selection and rule utilization, victory was achieved.

Always remember to adjust your strategy to the battle rules to make the most of every advantage.

Thank you for reading all the way to the end; I hope this can help you strategize in splinterlands battles.

That concludes my post on the Splinterlands challenge. Don't forget to sign up for the next challenge.

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