No Man's Sky - permadeath travel log #1

No Man's Sky(NMS) was not so good in 2016, but it has become a fairly enjoyable game thanks to several updates. It combines beautiful procedurally-generated galaxy with minecraft-like gameplay.


After spending about 100 hours in normal mode, I decided to try the most difficult play mode, permadeath. In permadeath mode, you lose your save when you die.

I already experienced a few deaths in normal mode, so I'm not sure how far I can go this time. But I expect permadeath would be a bit more exciting. In normal mode, you become kind of too rich and powerful after dozens of hours of play time.

My new journey has begun on the planet "Nuscan Alpha" in "Suzukai" system.


The most difficult part of NMS is initial survival. I need to maintain life support system and hazard protection system, which requires oxygen and sodium, respectively. Oxygen was more easier to come by but sodium was scarce, so I couldn't go far away from my starship which is broken now.


Luckily, things became easier after I discovered a cave with lots of cobalt with which I could make ion batteries for hazard protection system.


I'm repairing my starship now. Soon, I'll launch this starship and leave the planet.

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