Frostpunk Review - Try To Survive Until The Last Moment

Strategic games occupy a significant amount in the world of games, as they are classified among the games that receive great attention from among the users, such as War Games, RPG and Sports.
I have always loved strategic games and I thought we all lived through childhood games like Red Alert, Stronghold and other games that made us look like military experts.
You played today is difficult to describe as it is a training in all the strategic games trying to outrun your enemy in various ways by building a huge city with economic resources and a huge army and a strong defense line holed up in it.
This is the idea of ​​all the strategic games in general, but our curse today is completely different from all those traditional patterns where you seem to have a mission which is to fight nature! Your main objective in this game will be to survive
For as long as possible, it combines the spirit of Survival games with strategic games, but you do not think that the task is so easy. On the surface, it seems easy for you, but with the progress in the game you will know that you were wrong when I thought this was an easy game.


The story

The events of the game revolve in London in 1886, when a catastrophe invaded everyone, the human civilization ended, and the rest began to gather in the form of a tribe to search for a place suitable to establish a community in order to live in it, but when they find it, your mission begins as a leader in trying to survive the last human group living in the shadow of This atmosphere is difficult.
As we mentioned the game Survival looks great, but in the style of a strategic game,
You will find yourself facing great challenges for any country that begins its first steps for coexistence, including food, drink and housing. Collect raw materials, build roads and houses, hunt animals.
It seems difficult in the era of frosts full of this disaster, where the temperature reaches 50 degrees below zero, so trying to reach a stable situation in this atmosphere seems very difficult.
When the frosts invade the country, you find that the citizens are falling one after the other, things get worse, you lose your workforce, and the discontent increases against your system, where you will have to work as hard as possible.
In order to save the population from providing housing and health care.
The game does not show mercy to any of the children of a young girl and you will find yourself in front of very difficult sacrifices, such as mixing food with sawdust to feed more residents and employ children as a working hand.
You will be able to create entertainment for them with bars and wrestling arenas, but beware you will probably need your resources badly when a pandemic comes.


An impression of the game

The game is simply about keeping the last-minute hope remaining and making use of all available means in order for the largest population to live.
You will have to work day and night to search for wood, iron, food, etc., but perhaps some prosperity will come to you in which you search for some technology that helps you to survive.
You will get to know the residents by their names and their family, and the news will come to you successively, one of whom died of frost, the other of his arm in an accident and the other in a critical condition due to the frost.
You will ask yourself many questions in this game as if you were in fact whether sacrificing one of them in exchange for all is legal.
The goal of the game is almost to make you simulate if you were put in the same situation, to know what you are capable of and what you are willing to sacrifice.


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