Breakthrough - Marvel's Spiderman.


Logo for the thumbnail.

Let's watch me swing as spiderman and finish another mission that I've successfully finished and uploaded the gameplay in YouTube.

Mission Overview:
Martin Li's in jail and Devil's breath is contained, thanks to Spiderman and me who fought a Spiderman. Both Peter and I have finally got time to focus on helping Dr. Octavius in changing the world.

YouTube Link:

So, Dr. Octavius was gradually working on his AI thing that we all (Spiderman fan) knows about but we're yet to see his work became handy properly but now that changes. In this mission, I'll help Dr. Otto to get satisfied with his work and maybe this is when the chaos begins.

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Uh oh, AIM is here as well? Well, not here actually. It's just the mug that has the brand logo on it.

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When Peter visited Dr. Otto, he seemed so happy and walked towards Peter holding two mugs and gave one to Peter when Dr. Otto was talking about the time to celebrate.

When Otto was walking towards Peter, it didn't look like he was carrying the arms behind him.

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But when Peter asked about the whereabouts of the arms, the arms themself came out from behind of Dr. Otto and the old man looked real happy.

Peter was surprised seeing it like this.

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Now Dr. Otto started to showoff the power of the arms by first getting the bottles cap off.

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Then the arms themselves poured drinks on the mugs. I see the arms started working as a bartender, lol.

Well, they were not working all by themselves. As we know about the arms of Dr. Otto, they work on how Dr. Otto decide like his own hands.

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Now they celebrate the success and Dr. Otto was so sure that no one can take this away from them. But Peter was confused as they haven't tested it yet and there's so much they don't know where Dr. Otto was only seeing that it works good.

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Then Dr. Otto asked Peter to take a look at the neural chip and as Peter, I commanded for a diagnostics.

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There were some critical failure and I tried to work on them interacting some puzzles. I've fixed 3 motor contexts that took me quite some times and I really needed to hone my brain for this.

And the diagnostics has found out some possible side effects probability of seizers, short term memory loss, long term memory loss, limbic degradation and frontal lobe edema. I got a warning as well which asks to discontinue the use immediately otherwise Dr. Otto has high risk of mood and/or personality shift.

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Then Peter let Dr. Otto know that he's found some problems and Dr. Otto was reacting as if its nothing and he was referring that everything has problems.

Peter was suggesting Dr. Otto that there are some problems and they need to check them otherwise things may went sidewise but Dr. Otto went aggressive listening those and started saying that he doesn't feel like a failure for the first time in his life. He started to act like a villain.

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Otto became aggressive but Peter handled it with great care with his words and Otto understood it and he turned off the device.

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Giving hope to Otto about making it success in the future, Peter left him like that.

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And there was a live news in the TV where the reporter started talking about Mayor Osborn first and then Osborn himself came live and started talking.

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This made Otto aggressive again and he turned on the device again and crushed the monitor.

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The Event was completed and I earned 500 XP.
Then I stopped playing for the time being.

A HUGE turn out is gonna happen in the next mission and I won't be so late in talking about that. You guys better stay in touch with my profile so you don't miss.

That's all for now.
I'll swing again soon.

Be safe till we meet again.
Au revoir/Goodbye.

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