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Lost Relics NEW & URGENT patch released -- EZ Game now?? Players Complained, Cliff Listened

The last Lost Relics update was a bloodbath. Difficulty went way up and experience earned per run went way down.

I enjoyed the previous update, but I do admit it was very unforgiving to grind and probably didn't appeal to the core playerbase of Lost Relics.

One good thing it did was lower expectations... look at how happy everybody was when I logged in this morning. Just, ANY update and people are so so excited. We aren't stuck with the crappy update from a week ago HOORAY

EZ Game Now?

Before I forget, here's the patch notes from this update:

You see how it says "Balanced all monsters and weapons" ?

That's code for "MADE THE GAME EASIER."

Now monsters have way less HP than they used to. Creatures that required 4-5 hits to clear now require 2-3 hits. It's a total change and back more towards the previous balance of the game, before last patch.

I had to see for myself, so I went right back into Arcane Pits. Equipped with little more than some fish, some mana potions, and a teleport scroll for escape (which I surely wouldn't need in this EZ GAME). LET'S GO!!

Ok that's actually the only photo I managed to take of this run -- five minutes later I was down to 500hp, burned (400 damage condition), surrounded by monsters, and I had to TELEPORT OUT TO NOT LOSE MY VALUABLE GEAR ARGHHHHH


Thank Cliff for Teleport Scrolls at least, otherwise it would have been worse.

Lol, normally I would use the excuse that it's hard to take screenshots in LR with no pause button -- photos "in the action" require a lot of risk and damage basically, until I improve my hotkeys anyway :-P. BUT I ONLY TOOK ONE PHOTO!!

My second run was more successful. I eventually made it to the end.

The dungeon's monsters are more balanced, but it's still spicy for me. The fire traps are hard to avoid, burn seems to do more damage than it used to, and it may even be the case that Pits is a longer dungeon than it used to be? It feels like there are more rooms than before, but this might be my imagination.

Overall Thoughts on the Newest Update

It's a good update. Most players seem to be a lot happier with the balance on this on compared to a week ago. For me personally, still missing most of the good gear, the game remains in a mildly difficult place where I need careful load-outs and patience + strategy to get through my runs without blundering into disaster.

The previous update was cool for higher difficulty gameplay, but may have not worked well with the core value proposition of Lost Relics. Relics is supposed to be a chill, relatively mindless game. You react to things, you think a little, but it isn't about big theorycrafting or min-maxing. It's more experiential than it is cerebral, and that's a good place for some games to live.

I will keep playing. LR might not be my main game, but somewhere inside my brain, I am a little bit addicted to the grind. :-)

Have you had a chance to try the newest update? What do you think?