Screw this! I'm making steel Live on Twitch! - Satisfactory

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I stream only for fun and because I can. Feel free to stop by, say hello and follow me if you like what you see. My gameplay sessions are saved as VODs for 14 days and will be edited into this post once the stream ends.

Stream info

I've been without Satisfactory for a few days now and it's been absolutely horrible. Finally I'm back in front of the PC so I can take care of this factory again. I spent a ton of time last time building what I personally feel was a really good setup for a starter factory. It's currently producing all the beginner items at a really good rate and with pretty much 100% efficiency.

It feels really good to be building on squared foundations instead of directly on the grass. It makes it so much easier to build something good looking and without ending up with a spaghetti monster of conveyor belts. I spent a lot of time aligning everything and making sure most conveyor belts are moving in straight lines and turning at a 90 degree angle. This way it's also easier to get an overview of where everything is going in case I need to make some changes.

I'm not sure what my plan is today. I feel like there's so many different directions I can choose to go in. Most likely I'll start producing some steel seeing as I was able to find both iron and coal pretty close to each other in one location. Steel is needed to progress to the next stage of the game so I'm pretty sure that's what I'm going to do.

Tune in to the stream and find out!


All images in this post are screenshots taken by me.

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