It Takes Two Is A Fantastic Co-op Multiplayer Game

New years eve this year was spent in the best way possible. Me and @emuse just hung out at home, cooked traditional food, drank wine and beer and played video games together. We didn't put on any nice clothes. I was sitting in my slacks and t-shirt. At midnight we went up unto the roof of the building to watch the fireworks. This beats most other new years eve celebrations that I had.

Our plan was to play a little bit of Mario Kart then perhaps some World war Z. We instead decided to make use of the current Steam sale and get a game we've been oogling for a while. It Takes Two. We've both seen and heard good things about this game and we've been exciting to play it at some point. Yesterday would be the day.


First off I have to congratulate the developers on the fact that both players don't have to buy the game. @emuse bought it for her account and all I had to do was download a free version of the game called the It Takes Two Friends Pass. This lets me join and play the full game as long as I'm invited by someone who owns the full game. Fantastic.

First Impressions

The game starts out with a rather long cutscene explaining the theme and the backstory of the game. The short version is that there's this girl Rose who'se parents are getting divorced. She's made dolls of them and when she finds out about the divorce she cries and her tears fall on them. The parents are then transformed into these dolls and now have to find their way back to their bodies by working together.

My first thoughts was that it was a bit of a cliche story. That doesn't matter to me though as long as the gameplay is good which it definitely is. The whole game is basically about running around and solving puzzles to advance through the world. These puzzles are both intuitive and somewhat challenging and they're definitely increasing in difficulty throughout the game.


In some parts one of us has to hold a lever while the other goes through the open door to try and open it for the other person from the other side. In some parts one of us has to control the platforms the other one can walk on to traverse across a ravine to open the bridge for the other person. Some puzzles are simple and some require a bit more brainpower.

What's cool is that even if we're sitting in separate rooms and playing on different computers the game is still in split screen for each of us. We can always see what the other one is doing which I quite like. Sometimes we have to split up and we can still work together to figure out the puzzle the other person is working on. I was a bit skeptic to this at first but it turned out fine.


We played for 2,5 hours yesterday and I hope we're far from done with the game. We puzzled out way through the families toolshed yesterday fighting a vacuum cleaner and a toolbox for bosses. We started working our way through the yard before calling it a day yesterday. We're both excited to jump back into this today and continue the puzzles.

Seeing as two can play this game with just one copy I can safely say that this is a great buy at the current Steam sale. It's just $10 and you'll get a lovely experience out of those $10.

All images in this post are screenshots taken by me.

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