Warframe: The New War Quest!

Hello and welcome back to my blog!

In the last post about Warframe, I talked about collecting resources to forge a Necramach which was required to start "The New War" Quest. As soon as it finished in the Foundry I equipped it in my arsenal and got ready to play this quest.

There will be a lot of spoilers in this post so if you want to play Warframe and want to experience it on your own (which I recommend), then you should skip the rest of the post.

The quest warned me that it would take a long time and until it was finished, I won't have control over my arsenal and the normal warframe activities would stop. I didn't know it would take 4-6 hours to complete.

This quest had a lot of smaller chapters. Each felt somewhat unique. The first chapter was "Kahl-175", a Grineer soldier trying to fight off the army of Erra and Ballas in the Plains of Eidolon.

This was like a heroic one man army type mission and playing as Kahl was quite different than Warframes. He had no shields and his abilities were limited. No superhuman strength and smooth movements but it was quite pleasing with a lot of action going on. Even though I have killed thousands of Grineers at this point, you have to respect this one. "For the Brothern"


In the next chapter, we were on a Corpus ship controlling Corpus Veso. This was a unique challenge as well. All the equipment was different and this time we could control and command the robots which helped us solve challenges and kill some rouge robots on the ship.

This one had a boss called Jackal, we have encountered it in Warframe before but killing it with a Corpus guy was a bit challenging. I died a couple of times here.

This ship was also being attacked we were given instructions by the commander Alad V. But in the end, he told us to negotiate a peace deal for profit. But as the enemy ship tried to latch on the ship, Veso reactivated the fire control and blasted the ship.

I liked both of these stories of valour and courage even though they came from soldiers from the enemy factions. But now all of them united against one common enemy.

Next, there was a lot of fighting in space. This time we were back to controlling our warframe and taking it close to the enemy mothership.

But it didn't last long and the next playable character was Teshin. He wields dual blades and a throwable glaive type weapon which has an interesting latch-on mechanic that you can use to travel and jump longer.

Ballas sends the Lotus and Operator into the Void portal so he can rule this system. We tried to save her but Ballas was much stronger for us.

This has been the most action-packed quest so far. Experiencing the scale of War from these different perspectives was quite interesting.

Now a new chapter starts and this time we were controlling a mysterious drifter who had unique abilities and was fighting against the rule of Narmer, the faction of Ballas. Can this mysterious drifter save the Lotus and bring her back? You should read the next post to find out.

This is not the end of the quest. This drifter chapter was the biggest among all the other ones.

I want to talk about how well the story was told from a different perspective. Every time you are playing as a unique character with their unique mechanics, it feels fresh and enjoyable. Sure, you have to learn these new abilities and how to utilise them efficiently in different missions. Especially this drifter chapter was more focused on Stealth and it was unlike the rest of the game where you go all guns blazing.

Thanks for reading.


  • All the content is mine unless otherwise stated.
  • Screenshots are from the game, Warframe.

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