Retro Roam: Playing more PICO-8 Classics!

Hello gamers, I hope you are doing well.

Welcome back to another episode of my gaming series. Retro Roam. In this series, I will be sharing my experience of playing old games starting from the late 1970s up to the 2000s. I was fortunate enough to play a few of them here and there but there are so many good old games and entire series that I missed. It will be a nostalgic series for a lot of us.

Let's continue from where we left off from the last post. I talked about a Fantasy Console, PICO-8. You can check the previous post to read more about it.


An aquatic action game. Swim sword first into the deep to destroy the evil at the heart of the ocean.

This is how the game describes itself and they are absolutely spot on. In this game, you control a character with just one power, the power to charge up and dash forward which is our only weapon in the game.

There are about 25 levels in the game, each getting progressively difficult as we go deeper into the ocean. So many different enemies and how they react to the various things in the environment is pretty cool. Since it is a PICO-8 game, don't expect it to be super long or have a lot of content. But what it offers is quite fun and challenging.

The difficulty is well-balanced and doesn't feel too hard or easy. You can beat it very quickly as well.

I have recorded the gameplay and uploaded it to YouTube. Here is the full recorded run in case you are interested.

Even though it doesn't have fancy graphics, it does its job of telling the story beautifully.

Spoilers ahead!! There is a level with the boss room where you have to pass through black clouds (?) while the pressure of the water just pulls you upward and you have to keep going down. That was so well made and was the highlight of this game for me. It was a bit difficult but I loved that part the most.

Celeste Original

This one is a precision platform, originally made for PICO-8 and then later made for PC. I talked about it the last time too. You can check my previous post if you want to read more about the game.

Looked like so many of us were interested in this game so I went on and decided to beat it. It took me about 40ish minutes the first time and then about 29 minutes. Keep in mind that I skipped some berries along the way. Watching a speedrun of this would be an interesting idea as well.

For now, let me share the walkthrough of the entire game.


This one is a very simple game. Inspired by the classic Space Invader, the developer says he made the game just to learn how the system works and he did a good job. It felt quite challenging to me. I didn't spend much time in it but couldn't get through the few levels.

This is great for handheld devices running PICO-8 as you can just boot it up anytime you have some minutes to spare.

You can watch me get harassed by the aliens in the following video.

Simple but quite fun and challenging! I don't care much about the graphics as long as the game is fun to play and if it has some story to it, then it is gold!

There are a lot of other PICO-8 games that I played and a lot more to show. But maybe some other time. Each of the games I shared has some replayability and so many of them have mods which change one or few things in the game to make it more interesting.

There is a Celeste Hard mode which is still a big challenge for me. I will try to play it in my leisure time and might break some controllers...who knows? lol

Let me know which one you like the most. I will move on to a new console in the next episode. Stay tuned!

Thanks for reading...



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