Guild Wars 2 - I'm a little late to the Halloween party

Time for some Halloween madness!


Okay, so Halloween has kinda come and gone already, but the Guild Wars 2 event isn't over yet (almost), so who cares?

Guild Wars 2 has various activities during Halloween and many rewards to collect.


During the event, you'll be able to collect a lot of event items, one of which is candy corn. These are the primary currency for the vendor items and you can also use them (eat them) for a couple of achievements, daily and otherwise.

You will also be collecting a lot of trick-or-treat bags, which hold candy corn, various holiday foods, tonics and sometimes even one of the vendor items (like a pet!).


I don't know much about all of the activities, because I usually stick to my favorite Halloween activity: Mad King's Labyrinth.


This is an actual labyrinth and in here, doors will spawn at various locations. Opening one of these doors will start an event in which you have to kill something. Some will hold bosses, while other door events will ask you to kill a whole bunch of mobs. All of which drop loot. Throughout the labyrinth, there are also trashmobs which also drop loot.


Basically, the entire labyrinth is one, big loot-fest! A great way to collect a lot of trick-or-treat bags, which means getting a lot of candy corn and also a chance at getting some event items, like pets.


So off I go into the labyrinth, joining a squad to farm some candy corn and hopefully, pets too.

Which... ofcourse I didn't get, but I did get a lot of candy corn!

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