1# | Uncharted 4 | This 2016 game is awesome [ENG - ESP]

I remember a long time ago I used to upload gameplays to 3Speak quite often, something I stopped doing for multiple reasons. Many of them went hand in hand with my internet connection (too slow back then), I had to wait a lot to have my video uploaded because it was cancelled many times and I had to be attentive to upload it again. Another reason was that I had to compress each one of my videos and it was a very time consuming process (at least on my computer). Those two were the most annoying reasons, and then I lost the consistency. But...


TODAY breaks that streak without uploading videos! The best of all is that I come with one of my favorite games, Uncharted 4. I hope this name sounds familiar to you and you've been able to enjoy some of its titles, believe me if you still don't you're missing out on an amazing saga.

The beginning

Our adventure begins with a lot of action, as we find ourselves sailing in the middle of a horrible storm, if we wanted to make the situation worse we would have to be chased with guns (actually this is what happens). But don't worry, we manage to get out alive after defending ourselves.


After our boat is rammed by another boat (dueling boats), we go back to our childhood. I guess the blow was so strong that we were simply thrown back in time.

On a serious note, I love that this installment tells us about the childhood of the Uncharted protagonist (Nathan, let's ignore Chloe for the moment) and we get to meet his brother along with various things from his life.

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No no no no no, but it's amazing how a 2016 game looks like, I think the best games are in that year (theHunter is also from 2016, insane game).

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The parkour in this game will be something that will stand out quite a lot, almost like in Assassin's Creed, only a little more "realistic". By the way, we have to check every nook and cranny if we want to get our hands on all the collectible treasures in the game, I might try to get some. Let's go back to the adult us.


Punching and action

After the boat fight, it seems that in the end they were able to catch us and imprison us (everything went according to plan, everything was planned). In this gameplay you'll see how I beat the crap out of some of the prisoners and show them that a "gringo" really knows how to fight. It's pretty crazy, but Drake really is made of iron, I think I received more than 70 hits and I was still standing (the Indiana Jones factor is on our side).

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Winning the fight, we are stopped by Vargas, a prison warden. He is working with us under bribery, as the plan was to enter the prison to get clues or some indication of a pirate treasure that could be valued at more than 400 million dollars, and so it was, Panama smiled on us.

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After jumping, climbing, being about to die every second and swinging like Tarzan, we managed to reach the top of the Spanish tower and found a puzzle, quite simple by the way.

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We managed to find a treasure that doesn't have much value, but it is the key to our next one, or at least it was going to be if everything went according to plan, but...

Things get complicated

It was all too perfect to be true, lacking drama and action, so the game gave us that and more. After we found the treasure, we lied to the warden and told him we didn't find anything (we are excellent liars). He wanted a share of the treasure too, but it wouldn't be fair if we do all the work, plus he was only hired to help us get in and out of the prison.

Because of that little lie, we get caught and get into trouble, VERY serious trouble. Nate (our brother), Rafe (our millionaire partner), Vargas (the warden) and us, argued about the little lie, he insisted that he wanted to take half of the treasure, but obviously that couldn't be.


And when everything had calmed down, our partner Rafe killed the warden with a knife. I don't think it's very smart to kill the guy who is basically the head of the prison, it's obvious that everyone would turn against us. He was the only one who could get us out of the place, that was the deal.


The End

The screw-up of our partner Rafe makes us run all over the prison, which is literally a labyrinth that seems to have no way out. I'm sure that if we were normal guys, we wouldn't get out of that place alive, in fact, we wouldn't advance even 5 steps, but in this game we are blindfolded, we are immortal.

The chapter ends with a pretty sad scene, as our brother dies and we have to leave him behind in order to escape. I love that everything in this game is so cinematic, it's a fucking movie. In the end, if we manage to escape from that labyrinth and jump into the sea, starting our new lifestyle away from the dangers... at least for now.

I really hope you enjoy my post, and if you get a chance to see my gameplay, I appreciate it. I'm sorry that the volume of my voice is not so clear. For the next chapter I have to correct a little bit the volume of the gameplay so that it doesn't obscure my voice. You know you are free to give your opinion and comment whatever you want, just do it. See you soon with more, greetings to all, boomers.

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Recuerdo que hace bastante solรญa subir gameplays a 3Speak con bastante frecuencia, algo que dejรฉ de hacer por mรบltiples razones. Muchas de ellas iban de la mano con mi conexiรณn a internet (demasiado lenta en aquel entonces), debรญa de esperar mucho para tener mi vรญdeo subido ya que se cancelaba muchas veces y tenรญa que estar atento a subirlo otra vez. Otra de las razones era que debรญa de comprimir cada uno de mis vรญdeos y la verdad era un proceso bastante tardado (al menos en mi ordenador). Esas dos fueron las razones mรกs molestas, y ya luego perdรญ la constancia. Pero...


ยกHOY se rompe esa racha sin subir vรญdeos! Lo mejor de todo es que vengo con uno de mis juegos favoritos, Uncharted 4. Espero que este nombre te suene y hayas podido disfrutar alguno de sus tรญtulos, crรฉeme que si aรบn no lo haces te estรกs perdiendo una saga increรญble.

El comienzo

Nuestra aventura comienza con muchรญsima acciรณn, pues nos encontramos navegando en medio de una tormenta horrible, si quisiรฉramos empeorar la situaciรณn tendrรญan que estar persiguiรฉndonos con armas (en realidad esto es lo que sucede). Pero no se preocupen, logramos salir con vida despuรฉs de defendernos.


Despuรฉs de que nuestra lancha es embestida por otra lancha (duelo de lanchas), volvemos a nuestra niรฑez. Supongo que el golpe fue tan fuerte que simplemente nos retrocedieron en el tiempo.

Ya hablando en serio, me encanta que en esta entrega se nos cuente de la niรฑez del protagonista de los Uncharted (Nathan, ignoremos a Chloe por el momento) y conozcamos a su hermano junto a varias cosas de su vida.

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No no no no, pero es que es increรญble el cรณmo se ve un juego del 2016, creo que en ese aรฑo estรกn los mejores juegos (theHunter tambiรฉn es del 2016, juegazo).

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El parkour en este juego serรก algo que destacarรก bastante, casi tal cual como en los Assassin's Creed, solo que un poco mรกs "Realista". Por cierto, tenemos que revisar cada rincรณn si queremos hacernos con todos los tesoros coleccionables del juego, yo tal vez trate de conseguir algunos. Volvamos al nosotros adulto.


Coรฑazo y acciรณn

Despuรฉs del combate de lanchas, parece que al final nos pudieron atrapar y nos encarcelaron (todo salรญa bajo el plan, todo fue planificado). En este gameplay verรกs como me agarro a golpes con varios de los prisioneros y les enseรฑo que un "gringo" realmente si sabe pelear. Es bastante loco, pero Drake realmente estรก hecho de hierro, creo que recibรญ mรกs de 70 golpes y aรบn asรญ seguรญa de pie (el factor Indiana Jones estรก de nuestro lado).

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Al ganar la pelea, somos detenidos por Vargas, un alcaide de la prisiรณn. Este estรก trabajando con nosotros bajo soborno, pues el plan consistรญa en entrar en la prisiรณn para conseguir pistas o algรบn indicio de un tesoro pirata que podrรญa estar valorado en mรกs de 400 millones de dรณlares, y asรญ fue, panamรก nos sonriรณ.

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Despuรฉs de saltar, escalar, estar a punto de morir a cada segundo y de columpiarnos como Tarzan, logramos llegar a lo alto de la torre espaรฑola y damos con un puzzle, bastante sencillo por cierto.

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Logramos encontrar un tesoro que no tiene mucho valor, pero es la clave para nuestro siguiente, o al menos lo iba a ser si todo iba respecto al plan, pero...

Las cosas se complican

Todo era demasiado perfecto para ser verdad, faltaba drama y acciรณn, asรญ que el juego nos dio eso y mucho mรกs. Despuรฉs de encontrar el tesoro, le mentimos al alcaide y le decimos que no encontramos nada (somos unos excelentes mentirosos). ร‰l querรญa una parte del tesoro tambiรฉn, pero no serรญa justo si nosotros hacemos todo el trabajo, ademรกs รฉl solo fue contratado para ayudarnos a entrar y salir de la prisiรณn.

Debido a esa pequeรฑa mentira, nos descubren y nos metemos en problemas, problemas MUY serios. Nate (nuestro hermano), Rafe (nuestro socio millonario), Vargas (el alcaide) y nosotros, discutimos acerca de la pequeรฑa mentirilla, รฉl insistรญa en que querรญa llevarse la mitad del tesoro, pero evidentemente eso no podรญa ser.


Y cuando ya todo se habรญa calmado, nuestro colega Rafe asesinรณ al alcaide con un cuchillo. Creo que no es muy inteligente asesinar al que bรกsicamente es el jefe de la prisiรณn, es obvio que todos se nos pondrรญan en contra. ร‰l era el รบnico que podรญa sacarnos del sitio, ese era el trato.


El final

La cagada del socio Rafe nos pone a correr por toda la prisiรณn, la que literalmente es un laberinto que no parece tener salida. Estoy seguro de que si fuรฉsemos sujetos normales, no saldrรญamos de ese lugar vivos, de hecho, no avanzarรญamos ni 5 pasos, pero en este juego estamos venditos, somos inmortales.

El capรญtulo finaliza con una escena bastante triste, pues nuestro hermano muere y tenemos que dejarlo atrรกs para poder huir. Me encanta que en este juego todo sea tan cinematogrรกfico, es una puta pelรญcula. Al final, si logramos huir de ese laberinto y saltamos al mar, dando comienzo a nuestro nuevo estilo de vida alejado de los peligros... al menos por ahora.

Espero realmente disfrutes mi post, y si tienes la oportunidad de ver mi gameplay, te lo agradezco. Lamento que el volumen de mi voz no sea tan claro. Para el siguiente capรญtulo debo de corregir un poco el volumen del juego para que no opaque mi voz. Ya sabes que eres libre de opinar y comentar lo que quieras, hazlo. Nos vemos pronto con mรกs, un saludo a todos, boomers.

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