Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord - Episode 8

It was the fuck around of times, it was the find out of times.

After our disastrous quest experiences of the prior session, we start today with a renewed resolve and fresh determination to deal with the blood money quest we were given last time. So, we hop back into the village of Chornad looking to settle up with Undgar.


Not exactly the friendliest greeting but hey. Ol' Thavin did murder his kin so, I get it. And, were I not being paid to keep the idiot alive, I'd probably agree with Undgar.



Does this look like the stare of a man who wants to talk, Thavin? Does it??

Because to me, those eyes are giving off much more of an "I'm going to eat your liver with some fava beans" vibe. But, dutiful protector that I am... we give it a shot and I try reasoning with Crazy-Eyes Undgar.

It goes about as well as you'd expect.


He sends his thug to attack and draws his own blade. Bold move, given that there's me, my companion, and Thavin here... and myself and my companion are both clearly rocking weapons and armor that'd cost these peasants their life savings.


The thug drops in like two hits from Thavin - I don't even have to bloody my mace with that one, and Undgar takes a mace to the body and a sword to the eye and suddenly he's a lot more receptive to our generous offer of blood money.

Imagine that.

Proving again that if violence isn't solving your problems, you're not using enough of it.

We pat ourselves on the back for a job well done and don't spare a second thought for the man we just helped maim. I'm sure there's an eye for an eye joke here somewhere, but I'm just not seeing it.

After that, it's time to do a bit more trading and leveling, because... well, it's a staple of the game. It's the cycle that we repeat until the end of time. And of course, even when I don't expressly set out to trade horses... the game finds a way.


Now, these quests are sometimes a pain to complete. The quest-givers often are patrolling or actively part of a military campaign so they're not exactly staying in one place... and there's no helpful quest marker telling us where to go after we get the horses - so I often don't take them unless I already have the goods they want.

I do take it this time though, against my better judgment. Of course, what I fear comes to pass and I'm not able to find the Baron again to deliver his horses. That's okay though, as I can sell them myself without any issues.

Naturally, we find some more bandits to deal with, and after a seriously disgusting number of missed spear thrusts I decide a) I'm buying anything that swings instead, and b) it's time to switch to some throwing spears.


This poor chap takes two in the ass, which is honestly the only real damage I do during the entire battle.

With this new goal in the back of my mind, I also decide to pull Asela and Nogand into my party. The plan at the time is to find them a nice little city to hunker down in so they can start doing the horizontal shuffle and making some babies for our clan - but I find out quickly that the meek-looking Asela:


Is an absolute demon on the battlefield.


Seriously. Look at her kit. She came with this!! This is insane. Almost every single piece she's wearing is tiers above my own kit. Her weapons? Fuggidaboudit. She's rocking tier 5 & 6 weapons right from the get-go.

Asela is a unit. I should've brought her into my party as soon as she married my dumb-looking brother! This was not the kit I expected to see based on the civilian garb she was wearing, and I'll not be making that mistake again.

We also finally craft Harvest, and replace our stupid spear. It's trash, honestly... but it's trash that I crafted for free and it's a swinging weapon, so it's better than the bullshit I have now.


Harvest ends up being too short from horseback, but I do like the feel of it better after testing it in battle.


So, we make a new scythe and name it Harvest2.0 - which is quite a bit longer than the first incarnation, though it still has god-awful damage, and we give it a go on some more bandits. It does well enough for what we want at this time, and at that point we call it a night.

Until next time friends, happy gaming!

Check out the video! The link is below.



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