Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord - Beginning

Today we embark on a quest to conquer the world!


I'm a huge fan of the Mount & Blade games, and I've been wanting to really sink my teeth into Bannerlord for some time. I bought the game as soon as it was released, and then promptly got totally distracted with other things and put it down after playing for all of about 2 hours.

Now, because I've got like, I dunno - 11 TB of space on this machine... it's not uncommon for me to install a game, play it once, and then leave it sitting there for ages while I chew through other things. If it's a game I truly don't think I'll play again, eventually I purge it. If it's something that I know I just need the right amount of distraction-free time available to really get into though, I leave it installed and waiting for that perfect moment when I can really take a bit out of the game and enjoy it.

Listen, I know it's a mess but it's a functional mess okay?

Which is where I found myself a week ago. Sick as a dog with a second round of COVID that my kids had just recovered from, and which my wife didn't end up catching. I slept as much as I could the first two days, but even so... you can only sleep so much of the day away, and while I was awake and could kind of think, I definitely wasn't on the ball mentally enough to program or QA so I couldn't work. Thus I found myself staring at the games on my desktop, randomly clicking on them as I thought about what I might be able to do to occupy myself with enough to not totally hate everything as I suffered through COVID again.

And then, I found it. Bannerlord. Just sitting there, waiting for me to click it. I knew from past experience that the start of the game was a little grindy, but didn't require much thought, and that was perfect.


I created a new character, sat down with a big fuck-off sized glass of tea, and started grinding. It was, despite the sickness, an incredibly fun time. Before I knew it, over the course of my illness I'd managed to get decently far into the game. I'd completed the initial Big Storyline Quest, which takes a bit of time and was well onto the path of establishing my Clan as a dominant force in the world.

Which is when @lacking saw me playing via Steam and messaged me in Discord.


Never one to say no to a great idea, I agreed that I should indeed do that...

A new character is born!

This brings us to today. Today, we embark on the path of bloody conquest with a new hero - OblivionCubed of the clan Hive.


Today, we're a Tier 0 clan... but this is not our destiny to stay this way. Soon, we'll be leading armies, sacking cities, and destroying nations.

Oblivion is a member of the Hive, a rising new clan from the lands of the Vlandians. He has the reputation of being decent and kind.

But until we really start crushing other nations, we're going to lean into our reputation for being decent, and kind.

So come, join me on this quest. The road ahead is long and sure to be full of interesting stories.




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