Drawing 10 Brit Popster And Playing Rising Star Game

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I drew 10 Brit Popster for rising star game. It is a common people card. It has 1 skill.

To draw this card, I drew the basic sketch firstly. Then, I painted his clothes. I painted his inner shirt with blue colour. To paint his coat, I mixed black colour and green colours together, and then paint with it.

For his trouser and shoes, I painted with black colour. Then, I drew some lines on his coat. After that, his coat looks attractive like in the card.

I also drew his eyes, eyebrows and nose with black colour. For his mouth, I drew with black colour on the outline. For the inner part of the mouth, I painted with black colour. I also painted his hair with black colour. Then, I painted his face and hand with the skin colour.

After painting the whole picture, I wrote 10 Brit Popster, and its fans, skill, luck and im on paper. I painted the words of 10 Brit Popster with white colour and its background with blue colours. For fans, luck, skill and im, I painted with orange, green, violet and pink colours. Finally, I completed the drawing of 10 Brit Popster.

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Rising star is a play to earn game in rising star game. I like rising star game and I have been playing rising star game for 519 days.

Today, I bought two rare people cards. I decided to the cards I haven't bought before. So, I chose R390 Ryker and R387 MC Carver Rapper.

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R390 Ryler costs 24500 starbits and it contains 125 fans, 100 skill, 3 luck and 3 im. R380 MC Carver Rapper costs 12574 starbits and it contains 50 fans, 200 skill, 4 luck and 3 im.

I completed 6943 total missions. My player ranking for today is 319.

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