Days 382 and buying a pack for rising star game

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I have been playing rising star game for 382 days, and I am doing missions and buying cards (or) pack every day.

Today, I bought a pack like yesterday. I got one common people card, one common instrument card and one rare people card. They are 127 Chris, i133 Walnut Kit and R335 Vincent.

127 Chris contains 10 fans and 5 skill. i133 Walnut Kit contains 10 luck. R335 Vincent contains 125 fans, 100 skill, 3 luck and 4 im.

Now, I have 888 cards in the game. I have 46534 fans, 7815 luck, 82117 skill and 968 im.

Today, I participated in rave rewards and send all 15 fans in team G. My player ranking is 401.

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