Days 368 and buying one rare people card and two common instrument cards

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I have been playing rising star game for 368 days, and I am doing missions and buying cards (or) pack every day.

Today, I bought R333 Logan amd two i120 RS Gigger cards. R333 Logan costs 8557 starbits and it contains 130 fans, 120 skill, 4 luck and 3 im.

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i120 RS Gigger card costs 2990 starbits each. For two cards, they cost me 5980 starbits. It contains 1luck each.

I need more starpro to do promote fan club missions. So, I add 30000 starbits to music promoter.

Today, I bid mid week support mission, open mic night mission, saturday headline mission and radio interview mission. My player ranking for today is 345.

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